
Cruise to Alaska...going in September...?

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This is the first cruise for me...what is the best line, and what should I know about before I book the trip?

If you have gone to Alaska before on a cruise, or have gone on a cruise before, what do you like about it, what do I need to know?




  1. We cruised to Alaska last summer on The Carnival Spirit.  It was fun, but still cold in July.  I prefer warmer weather.  Pack clothes you can layer.  It rained a good bit, take a light raincoat. The lobster is good!  If you get a chance to go dog sledding- do it.  That was the most exciting part of my trip.

  2. Well, I have taken a cruise and I used to live in Alaska, but I have never taken a cruise to Alaska...  :)

    Anyway, I can tell you about what you can expect to see and such, but I think I'll tell you more about planning a cruise to suit your own tastes.

    Here are the most important factors I can think of:

    Every major cruise in Alaska travels through SE Alaska, so my answer will be based on that. Here are the factors I can think of:

    Weather: The weather in SE Alaska is unpredictable. Though the cruise ships sail through September, I would avoid September if you are looking for the best weather. I have seen it rain every day for months in SE Alaska, so be prepared. June through early August is probably your best bet for nice weather.

    Fishing: If you plan on fishing during your cruise on an excursion, timing is very important. Salmon come in “runs”, that is they head to freshwater streams in groups around certain days. King Salmon tend to head toward fresh water from late April through May (King Salmon are the least predictable. They can be caught in the ocean or the streams all summer long). Sockeye (red) Salmon head for the streams roughly from early May to early June, hitting the streams by June (the Sockeye run seems to happen quick. Some places do not allow them to be fished from beaches). Dog (Chum) and Pink (Humpy) Salmon run from roughly the end of June to late August, hitting the streams in late July and early August. Coho (silver) Salmon run from late July to mid September, with mid August usually being the peak of the run. The dates are from my experience in Juneau and will vary slightly from city to city. If you have a big interest in charter fishing, try and contact the charter company in advance to seek their advice.

    Bears: Bears tend to be seen with the salmon runs. The salmon runs in the streams tend to be heaviest in August and September. If you are interested in taking a excursion to see bears, that would be the best time (there used to be a charter to Pack Creek on Admiralty Island in the Juneau area that always see lots of bears).

    Other Wildlife: Other wildlife is unpredictable. Eagles tend to be everywhere and usually hang out along the coast line and where fisherman hang out (they eat the scraps). Whales are around all summer long, but usually require a special excursion. I have rarely seen one close to land, at least in the Juneau area. Sea lions tend to hang out around boats and around islands away from the mainland (you would probably see them if you go see the whales). If you are lucky (or unlucky), you may see deer and bears while hiking trails, but this is very rare. If you are hiking by yourselfs, bears tend to avoid humans, but talk loudly, clap your hands, sing, or wear bells on your clothes so bears know you are in the area. They may attack if surprised (I’ve hiked more miles of trails and more mountains than I can remember, and I have yet to have a bear bother me).

    Shopping: A large majority of the tourist shops in all the ports close down for the winter. Because of this, the month of September tends to boast many sales in these shops as they are trying to get rid of their inventory for the year. This is just something to keep in mind.

    As for what cruise line to take?  I've only been on Holland America and I really liked them.  I really haven't heard anything bad about any cruise line.  However, when I used to talk with tourists in Juneau, it seems a lot of people weren't impressed with Princess cruise lines.  The biggest complaint seemed to be with the service and the food (on the other hand, when I talked with people at the bar who just came off a cruise in San Juan, Puerto Rico, I heard nothing but good things about Princess).  The cruise industry is pretty competitive, so I think that all cruise lines are looking to provide the best experience possible so you come back.

    I wish you happy sailing. There really is not bad time to visit Alaska, as long as you are prepared. Be prepared for cool weather (mid 60’s to low 70’s) and fine, misty rain. I’d recommend carrying a rain coat (or a waterproof wind breaker or waterproof coat of some kind) and dressing in layers. The weather can warm up quickly when the sun comes out and cool off quickly when it is cloudy. If you go fishing on the open water, it can get cold in a hurry. It seems that the smaller the boat, the colder the fishing trip (when I would go out on a 16 ft open Aluminum boat, I dress like it was winter. Once you get out in the wind, rain, and water spray, there is no way to warm back up). Large boats tend to be warmer (not sure if it is because they usually have an area out of the wind or there is enough room to walk around and move).

    There is a good website on cruising at that also has message boards and articles about what to expect if this is your first cruise.

  3. Princess and Holland America have the best programs for Alaska.  They've been sailing to Alaska the longest and have the most extensive programs to Alaska.

    Beyond that it's hard to recommend a line.  Without knowing more about you, your budget, or how you like to travel, it's hard to know what line would be the best for you.  While Princess and HAL are quite good, they might not meet your needs or interest and maybe one of the other lines would work better for you...  It's hard to know.

    This is also the tail end of the Alaska season, most ships have their final Alaska departure around the 16th of September this year.  That limits your options a bit, even more while this is the end of the season, Alaska is very popular and as you get closer to  September it's going to get harder for you to find space on the line and cabin category you are interested in.

    On many itineraries it's not to bad to take an inside cabin... DON'T DO IT TO ALASKA!  One of the big reasons to go to Alaska is for the scenery- don't sell your Alaska experience short by taking an inside cabin and cutting down on what you're going to see.

    You really should talk to a travel agent who specializes in cruises.  They are familiar with all of the options available to you and will be able to help you choose the line and itinerary that will best fit you.  I recommend Cruise Planners at 888-286-9827 (, they are extremely knowledgeable and they have the same offers as the big online sites, but they don't charge any fees.

  4. Well, first thing is are you just looking for a 7 day cruise or maybe acruisetour? Your best fares are going to be with Norwegian or Princess. They both offer an excellent buffet where you eat when you want and are not required to dress up. Holland is an excellent line and well known for excellent food they all offer an excellent passage cruise. Visit their sites and you can compare prices and other choices.

    Princess offers the best overall cruisetour to Alaska. With extras at Denali National Park and Fairbanks. Example their 11 day cruisetour 9N is $1399.00 and if you were to price out everything you get you would easy double that plus you stay at the best lodges where as Holland and RCL's are a step below.

    Sept. & May are the times to go. You do need to book early as these fill up fast. You can call 1-800-PRINCESS for any questions or to order a brouchure.

    In Sept. all stores in ports have theit 50% off sales. Do not buy gifts on ship as an example T-Shirt on ship $15.00 & up in port $5.00 & up visit Alaska to see for yourself.

    You will see plenty of wildlife from ship. Also do not get a balcony room as it is an extra $500.00 each and you only see the view from 1 side and you are not in your room that much.


  5. I have worked on Princess Cruise ships BUT did my own thing in Alaska! Booked my flight to ANCHORAGE bought an Alaska Pass which allowed unlimited travel for the length of time purchased on The Alaskan Railroad, Coaches and Alaskan Marine Highway. I booked all my accomodation ( B & B's) over the net and all my tours. I live in Australia and all the tickets were posted to me. Denali was fantastic although accomodation is a fair way away unless you stay at the park.The weather can be good but had sunshine,rain,and snow all in the one day in September. Food is expensive the scenery is AMAZING.

    Take lots os photos you are going to LOVE it. The wildlife is amazing and watching the glaciers "calving" is eerie.

    Regarding cruising, take easy to look after clothes. Buy souvenirs ashore, look at ships tours versus independant BUT allow plenty of time if you are doing your own thing the ship WONT  wait for you!

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