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has anyone been on a cruise and if so WAS IT SCARY? im going on a cruise but im kind of scared. what if the boat sinks?? HELP!




  1. Best vacation in the world.  As far as the "boat" sinking, there is a MUCH greater chance that you will wreck you car into a moutain (in Kansas) on the way to the pier while being struck by lightning on a clear day.

  2. I absolutely love cruising, and I can tell you that they are not scary. On the first day on the ship (any ship, since it is required by law to do this), there is a drill to show everyone how to respond in an emergency. You will be shown where to go, and told about the life boats. You won't have to worry. and besides, cruise ships are so big that sometimes you forget that you are even on a boat! Have a great time, and dont worry! :)

  3. Ha ha ha ha! Not really. It's more anoying than scary.

  4. You go driving or riding in a car.  That is a lot more dangerous than being on a cruise.

    However, on a cruise the danger is NOT in the ship sinking but it is the very real danger of terrorism.  Imagine a terrorist group speeding in next to a cruise ship in a small boat loaded with explosives and blowing a hole in ship.  There is also the possibility of a terrorist group taking over the ship for hostages.  Remember the Achille Lauro quite a few years ago for that situation.

    These are possibilities but cruiselines do everything in their power so they will not occur.

    Enjoy yourself but remain on the alert.

  5. Cruises are not scary.  Don't be such a whimp.

  6. Well the percentage of a ship sinking is literally 1 out of 1 million...i have been on over 30 cruises in my lifetime, and have never sunk....the tools on the ships are so high tech that they will never sink....if they see that something is wrong, they will fix it...relax, there is nothing to worry about.....

  7. They sink much less than airplanes crash or cars for that matter.  The odds of you being on a cruise ship that sinks is lower than you being killed in a car accident.

  8. Don't worry, cruises have tons of stuff to do, it's like a floating town. Just be scared of the bill,

  9. No, not scary at all. Until the recent "Sea Diamond" fiasco (and there's no other word for that one), no cruise ship had sunk for a good many years. Actually, the greatest danger aboard is fire - but you are just as likely to be involved in a fire if you stay in a hotel ashore.

    So relax, enjoy yourself, and remember that the compulsory lifeboat drill is akin to the stewards' safety announcement on an aircraft: you need to know, but the plane is extremely unlikely to crash.

  10. Honestly is will take a natural catastrophe or a huge fire to sink a Cruise ship. And they have many life boats which cant sink. Cruise ships are floating cities and are very very very very very very safe.

  11. Yes, a ship can sink.  Some have been very spectacular.  However, it is very unlikely.  Along the typical routes, you hardly even see other ships on the open water.  On most ships, you will feel like you are in a fancy hotel.  If you are not sensitive to motion, pick any ship that looks like fun.  If you are sensitive to motion, I can recommend against Princess; and I can recommend Carnival.  On any of the Fantasy Class ships, I never felt like I was on the water.  On Princess, I ALWAYS felt like I was on the water.

    On the Caribbean routes, there is almost always sunshine, so visibility is good; the ships can see each other.  Also, there are so many ships non Caribbean routes that even if the worst happens, rescue is not far away.

    Go, enjoy, and then go again!!!

  12. Not at all scary!!

    You will love it!

    Check this out!

  13. I

    Well should I say, my friend just came back from a cruise one week early. The ship was swaying and the glasses were leaning. Everyone got panicky, demanding to know what was going on! The main engine was down and they had to be rescued. Every was compensated with a refund.

    If that would of been me, I would have  been the first to put my life jacket on and waited next to the life rafts!!!

  14. NO- Cruises are not scary at all.  It isn't like the Titanic.  There is so much to do that you don't even realize that you are on a boat.  It is way less scary than being on a plane.  

    It is very unlikely that your ship will sink.  In fact a boat is a very safe place to be during storms because you can go away from the storm.  There are plenty of life boats for everyone if anything does happen and communications are much better in this day and time.  Don't be scared!  It will be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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