
Cruising over thanksgiving? what to expect.?

by Guest64322  |  earlier

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i am going on a 7day in nov. over thanksgiving and i was just wondering what to expect and if there will be a good amount of kids and teens on the boat we are going on the Caribbean princess. if you have ever been on a thanksgiving cruise please let me kno how it was and if you've liked it. i have been on over 10 cruises but have never gone over a holiday.




  1. my last cruise was on the Caribbean Princess back in November of '05. it is a beautiful ship. the 110 foot jumbo-tron screen above  the pool deck is cool, too. they show movies in the evenings; some are for kids, some for adults. they even showed Monday Night Football.

    yes, the ship will be full of families during holiday cruises. i once cruised over Easter week and the ship was loaded with kids and teens. never again for me.

  2. YES, there will be a lot of kids and teens.

    The good news is the cruiselines provide EXCELLENT programs for them! Teens even have their own disco.

    I've even heard some parents "complain" the only time they saw their kids was when they made them come to dinner! LOL

  3. Anytime, you cruise during the summer, spring break or a holiday expect loads of kids. Honestly, I'm a single mother of one elementary aged child and I DON'T like the crowds of kids. I always avoid those times of year when we cruise. Other than that..expect to have a great time.

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