
Crush part... I lost count. 3, I think...? Needless to say, SOS

by  |  earlier

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First, off, I'll prerespond. He's 16. In a little less than 1.5 years, I'll be 14. (So I'm 12.5) Don't say he's a creep if he wants to go out with me, I should focus on boys my age... I tried focusing on them once. The good news is I am almost fully recovered from the brain damage.

Our youth group is having a back to school "celebration" (IDK, either.) and it just happens to be at his house. Our mom's are friends, and I've had an on and off crush on him for a while. (By a while, I mean since I was 4 or 5, what's it to ya?) My friends are going, guy and girl, and I don't particularly like swimming. (If I'm at my house all day, that's one thing. If I'm going somewhere I've never been for two hours, that's different.) I can't very well say "I don't wanna go," because my mom is getting suspicious I have a crush on him. And she has his mom's phone number. And that would be bad. We're somewhere between friend and acquaintance, and me and his sister (About 13-14.) are pretty good friends. And if I don't swim, I get bored, find the guys who don't swim playing hacky sack, accidentally shoot it into the pool. So I'm starting to think this is inevitably gonna happen. Should I tell my friends? One's 13, but has told my secrets before, ture or not. Then there's another friend, almost 16, except I have the sneaking suspicion her boyfriend is my mom's cousin's son. And that would be bad for him to find out. He's practically a big brother.




  1. "In a little less than 1.5 years, I'll be 14."


    Well, my son will be 16 in a little more than ten years.  Should I let him drive a car now??

  2. your 12.5yr dont kid yourself. Now i dont think you should tell anyone coz they will just tell other ppl couse they will think its 'cute' you like someone so much older then you. Just go and have fun and try not to embarrass yourself by drooling. And sweetie... no offence but... he isnt goin to like you back... boys at that age only wanna s*x and boobie and girl that will hang off their arms and they can talk about behind their backs. Just forget him and forget guys at all for the time being your 12.5yr shouldnt you be playing with dolls and dress ups not hanging out for boys???

  3. You are too young for this boy, but it is completely normal that you would have a crush on him.  Nobody will suspect a thing if you choose not to go to this party and you can easily avoid the pool if you so choose. Take it easy. One more thing - not necessarily mean.spirited - to note is that you are not the center of any one's universe but your own. Though it way seem that your mother is watching you with hawks' eyes, she isn't calculating your every move to determine whether you like a boy. Chill.

  4. wait until your 18 to go after older guys 2pts

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