
Crushing Constant Headaches?

by  |  earlier

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I have been having these headaches where the sides of my head keep getting tighter and tighter in a crushing like feeling. My shoulders get heavy and the arms have this tingling numbness feel.

Would like to know how to stop them because the headaches go on for hours and I constantly am so busy that forget i have it but when i just kills me!!




  1. I have the same problem. Try putting an ice pack on your head, or extremely cold water. It sort of numbs your head for a while. Plus pain reliever specifically for migraines. And if that doesn't work just take a moment and chill. Hope it works 4 you.

  2. Okay...not to be rude but...we are NOT doctors. I know you are hurting, but the best advice that I can give you is to see or talk to a doctor. Most likely, they will find a solution.

    You sound like you might have migranes though.  

  3. This can be due to several things. Tension, migraines, high or low blood sugar, high blood pressure, brain anomalies, pinched nerve, to name a few. You need to see your doctor ASAP. Begin with your primary doctor for some routine blood work then consider seeing a neurologist.

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