
Crusty budgie cere. Help?

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My budgie's cere has been crusty since we got her about two years ago. i no that it goes like this because they r ready to breed, but it should'nt always be like that. Should it?

Here are 2 pics of her:

And is this budgie a male or female? (2 Pictures):




  1. The first pictures do not look good, i would take her to a vet (mine don't look like that at all)...and it's interesting that it's been like that for 2 years.

    The second one looks female, but it's hard to tell from the pictures.  The cere does look a little blue in the first picture, which would make it i'm not sure.

  2. She looks like she has Scaley mites. They have meds for it at most pet stores. You can also apply bag balm to the beak with a q-tip. It suffocates the mites. Treat it soon. it only get worse and eventually she wont be able to eat and will starve.  The second one looks too young to tell. A couple clues are the nostrils and the noise. When you hold it or put it in a box, does it scream alot. Girls are very noisy, boys usually arent. Also girls will have a whitish ring around the nostril when so young and much bigger nostril openings than boys. Compare your baby with your other female. By the way, scaley mites are contagious so be careful.

  3. For the budgie with the crusty cere - It looks like the crusty-ness is not only on her cere but on her face & beak, i reccomend you take her to a vet immediately.

    For the budgie which is a male or a female -

    It is a male, because the cere is a bluishy-purpley colour which is the colour most male budgies have + it is the same colour as my male budgie Locky!

  4. As the budgie is part Latino it is harder to see which s*x it is, Latino/albinos tend to be more purple when male and beige when female. The crustiness is caused by mites and you can get a spray from pet stores for it and either a gentle spray of the area or it is better to dab the area with some on a cotton bud so it doesn't get in the eyes.One of mine has the same thing, and is resistant to the mite spray, but as she is now 12 yrs old It hasn't affected her.

  5. okay,  i also have a budgie with a crusty beak. BUT he got attacked by a pet rat about six months ago. so i dont know whats going on there maybe see a vet for her?

    and for your second question i think its a girl at that age boys have a blue beak like quite visible she has a very pink ish beak anyways i hope i helped in some way and good luck xx xD

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