
Crusty underarms!?

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Have just been ironing and whilst ironing some (expensive but still plenty of life in them) tops saw that the underarms were almost stiff with white deoderent marks which are starting to show on the outside. How is it possible to make make these marks less obvious? I am now much more careful with my choice of deoderent by the way!




  1. one way is to send them to the cleaners to be done they return like new ...........

  2. If it is possible soak the arm pits in vinegar. Let sit and wash as usual.

  3. dress shields-

  4. Take a spray bottle and fill with white vinegar. Spray the stains until saturated, then let it sit at least an hour to give it plenty of time to break down the stains and build-up, then wash as normal. You will see the stains are gone, the material will be nice and soft again, and your clothes will just smell fresh and clean. Vinegar never leaves a residual smell.

  5. Did the deodorant not come out in the wash?
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