
Crybaby problem.......?

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I am a sensitive person, I cry at like anything and I hate it. how can I make myself emotionaly stronger?




  1. As humans we cry to release, it's the body's way of relieving whatever emotion has built up in us, you have to find the emotion that triggers  your release, you cry when you're sad, when you're happy, you're hurt, it can feel uncontrollable. look at your surrounding's and what you are doing when you cry, try to find the trigger, there are probably Lott's of them.

    In most cases you will find there could be a root cause buried in your sub conscious that has made you a sensitive person.

    we all have different levels of strength to cope with life, there really is nothing wrong with crying.

    As you know what is triggering you, the battle to stop is easier.

    Good Luck.  

  2. think happy and funny thoughts and keep telling yourself not to cry.

  3. Are you kidding!  You know exactly why your cryin, but its always better to cry and feel sorry for yourself then face reality. Pull it together and go have fun, be happy fall in love. Do what ever it takes to be happy. Because your worth it.

  4. Perhaps you should consider buying self help book on using cognitive behavioural therapy techniques. This can be really helpful in learning to recognise negative thought patterns and changing them.  You can learn to stop yourself and rationalise rather than letting yourself spiral straight down to being upset and crying.  It may also help you identify the causes behind why you are so sensitive and to work at the root of the problem.

    If you look at a good book store or online you should be able to find some decent books.

    If you feel that youre problem is affecting your day to day life majorly though it's probably worth going to your doctor as you may need some kind of face-to-face therapy.

    Good luck :)

  5. dig your nails into your arm, the pain distracts you

  6. How to Stop Crying when You Are Very Upset


    Lie down in a comfortable position in your bed. Turn off the overhead lights, and turn on a soothing, soft nightlight.

    Turn on some nice music. Turn this on quietly in the background. Talk to yourself in your head. Say stuff like (Everything is going to be ok) or ( Its over, and i don't have to go through this ever again)

    Take a deep breath in, extending your diaphragm (this may hurt if you've been crying for prolonged periods of time, because your muscles are tense, but the purpose of this is to completely relax) and slowly breathe out, even if it's shaky. Repeat.

    Once your breathing is fairly normal, try to find where most of the tension is in your body (stomach? back? etc.) Make a conscious effort to relax this part of your body. Try this to get them to relax. Tense up the muscles in this area, hold for the count of 5, and relax. This should leave this area with no tension.

    Realize that life has its ups and downs, and that crying isn't a bad thing to do, but that after a while, crying can actually hurt your body, so it's important to try to relax.

    Comfort yourself with the thought that eventually, all this will be a memory, and it won't be as painful for you to think of.

    Don't feel bad about talking to a family member about your problem.


    Let yourself have a good cry. It's okay. The purpose of this is to relax after you've cried enough, and now this is just hurting you.

    Realize that it may take a while to relax.

    If you're still crying (as in, tears are still leaking out of your eyes) but you aren't sobbing (your body isn't wracked by heaving sobs, you don't have shaky breathing, and can talk without stuttering too much) then you're all right and do not need to relax any further.

    Try to go to sleep. Everything will look a little brighter in the morning.


    If trying to relax doesn't stop your crying, go cuddle with your mom, sister, or dog. Just hold them close to you. Feeling the heartbeat of another living thing is soothing.

    Watch out for prolonged, heaving sobs. They will hurt your body, and you may have a stomach ache for a few days after. You may also feel sick to your stomach. All this is characteristic of stress.

    Remember that strangers don't know what your going through, so strange looks will be present. Ignore them.

    Hope i helped :)

  7. Some of the greatest people are not ashamed to cry in public Sir Edmund Hilary and Winston Churchill to name a few.

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