
Crying all the time. and worried:(please help me?

by  |  earlier

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So all my life ive been self concious about my large labia's. I hate them so much and i just wish i was like every other girl with barely any noticable labia lips. And im pregnant. And so nervous and scared for my doctor to see me down there. Let alone my mother. Ive been crying the past two weeks. Im so embarassed:( any other girls have the same thing? i know im not the only one. but im nervous because i dont think people know to much about it. im just so scared. please help




  1. Mine arent small... and I dont mind... and neither of the two men I have ever had s*x with minded either. Everyone is different

  2. There are people that actually think that larger lips are attractive! I for one do.

  3. Please believe me when I say that many women have the larger lips.  It isn't an unusual thing and nothing to be embarrassed about.  I'm an RN and have attended hundreds of baby deliveries.  Women's genitalia are as different from one another as men's are.  You know, basically the same but slight differences.  The differences do not mean abnormal.  You just go for your prenatal visits, relax, and enjoy your pregnancy.

  4. Don't cry ; big lips aren't bad , they make us females look hot ;)

    the main part might be your pregnancy.. do you have enough to support a child , please talk to an adult i wish you best of luck.

  5. Aw...Please don't worry about this...everyone is different!  None is better or worse than another!  I know you're feeling bad about it, but trust me, the doctors know everything, and have seen everything.  

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