
Crying for no reason?

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im an 18 year old male and sometimes i begin to feel like i am going to start to cry for no reason. My eyes get really watery and i look sad. people have started to notice it too and they confront me about it. sometimes this happens to me when I am at work or school i dont know what is going on. what is going on?




  1. maybe you are grieving?  someone close to you die?  

    that's entirely normal..

  2. This can and probably is a sign of depression.

    You should elaborate on your problem more.

    Anyway, Depression is a general feeling of sadness. It's usually characterized by being sad pretty much all the time, the inability to "be" happy in the way that you may not be able to get out and do the things that you love. Even if you logically know that you'll have a nice time doing something you may simply be unable to get up and out. People who are depressed usually spend a lot of time alienated from people and from doing things in general. Even if you (for example) love tennis and logically know you'll love to go to the park and play around, you may opt to take a nap instead or lounge around the house. Sometimes, you may even feel sad but not able to pinpoint the actual reason.

    Does this sound like you?

    Even if not, just try talking to someone.

    You sound like you want help and want to feel good again but just can't bring yourself to reach out for help.

  3. Things aren't working out the way you expect it to. That's what my older cousin said when I was going through the same problem.  

  4. The medulla or auto lower brain controls actions like heart and crying and temerature.

  5. i get like that when i have a lack of sleep or am really stressed out.  sometimes i just let myself have a really good cry and i'll feel better after that.

  6. So here are my two theories on this;

    1. You are a sensitive guy, and you may get upset about something really easily.

    2. I am not a psychologist but maybe your crying stems from a deep rooted depression, that you may or may not be ignoring.

  7. Your thoughts need to be gathered and you need to write down when this happens so that when you seek help they will have an idea if it's stress, depression, or something that happened that you can't control.

    You can also question yourself as to whom you enjoy being around and why to get some idea of your social stresses like friends, homelife, and your future,

  8. i promise theres nothing wrong with you

    you may just be sensitive

    it could have something to do with how much sleep you're getting too

  9. Are you depressed ??

    Are you getting enough sleep ?

    Are you stressed out ???

    There is nothing majorly wrong with you

    it could be a combination of things and it could also be that you are just simply over sensative to different things

    My best suggestion, since you are concerned about it, would be to seek some counceling, and also look into some different relaxation techniques,like yoga is realy good for relaxation...

    there is nothing wrong with crying either,,,doesnt matter if your a guy or girl,there is nothing wrong with it

    if your feeling overwhelmed or stressed crying is the bodies way of relieving tension
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