
Crying over a tree?

by  |  earlier

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do you think i'm weird for crying over a tree that has been cut down due to road widening? that tree has been w/ us for ages, like seriously, i haven't even been born yet. i feel so sad that the tree had to go, and we tried but couldn't do anything about it.




  1. Why not? trees are living entities.

  2. The nice thing about trees is that you can plant a brand new one.

  3. its just a tree. i bet their are other older trees than the tree they cut. not to be mean or anything but if you like trees that much why don't you plant some in your house so it could grow and grow old and stay in your house for generations to come.

  4. Don't worry about it, I'm the same way.

  5. you have a life... seriously

  6. I too have faced this problem which has no solution except planting a new tree. I can understand ur feelings.

  7. No, not weird at all. I've never cried over trees being cut down, but it is depressing. Nature is beautiful and more and more of it is being destroyed to build more (yuck!) condos and houses. Not far from me were a few fields with cows or horses, but that was quite some time ago. I hate to see nature destroyed. Don't people realize those trees help soak up rain and cool houses to cut heating bills? So what if you have to rake or mulch leaves? I often have this image in mind of me chained to a tree telling the guy in the bulldozer he'll have to take me down too. Haven't done it yet, but I can see myself doing that, lol. I'm a bit environmentalist but not nearly as much as I should be.

  8. There was a lot of concern when the city was planning to cut down Anne Frank's tree.  It certainly isn't misplaced.  Trees aren't all alike.  Each is unique.  All of the old ones are part of our heritage, and have their own story.  There are some who would tell you that all people are alike, just interchangeable parts.  If there is a question with one, just toss 'em out and get another one.  You see that with employers.  It's wrong.  I saw a program about the companies that are banning laptops and PDA's from their meetings.  These are Silicon Valley tech companies.  They made the point that as technology grows, people internalize more and social skills are disappearing.  It wouldn't surprise me to find people who look at nature that way, since people are coming to see one another that way.  It's important to keep in mind that what separates us from the beasts is not just that we are better toolmakers.  It is our ability to empathize and conceive of how the other person or living creature feels.  You are better off to have that trait than all the gadgets in the universe.
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