
Crystal Beast Deck Help?

by Guest66535  |  earlier

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I'm Making a Crystal Beast Deck, any tips on what i might need or should take out. I am currently looking for

Dweller in the Depths

Ancient City Rainbow Ruin

Crystal Pair

Rare Value

Hamon, Lord Striking thunder

Rainbow Dragon

Swords of Revealing Light

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus


Rescue Cat

This is my current deck

Monsters (21)

Gravi-Crush Dragon (2)

Magna Slash Dragon(2)

Crystal Sear(1)


Neo-Spacian Grand Mole(1)

Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle(2)

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth(3)

Crystal Beast Emerald Turtle(2)

Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus(2)

Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger(2)

Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat(1)

Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle(2)

Spells (10)

Crystal Abundance (3)

Crystal Beacon (2)

Crystal Promise (2)

Crysta; Blessing (2)

Mystical Space Typhoon (1)

Traps (9)

Torrential Tribute (1)

Crystal Raigeki (3)

Sakuretsu Armor (1)

Gem Flash Energy (2)

Bottomless traphole (1)

Rainbow Life (1)




  1. Ok heres a list for you,



    Ruby Carbunclex2

    Amber mammothx2

    Amethyst Catx2

    Emerald tortisex2

    Topaz tigerx2

    cobalt eaglex2

    Sapphire Pegasusx3

    Hamon, Lord of striking Thunderx2

    Rainbow Dragonx1

    Gravi-crush dragonx1


    Rare Valuex1

    Crystal Abundancex2

    Crystal Beaconx2

    Crystal Promisex2

    Crystal Blessingx2

    Mystical Space Typhoonx1

    Lightning Vortexx1

    Ancient city, Rainbow Ruinsx2


    Rainbow Gravityx1

    Torrential Tributex1

    Crystal Raigekix2

    Sakuretsu Armorx2

    Bottomless Trap holex1

    Mirror Forcex1

  2. Definitely try and get a rainbow Dragon and if u cant don't use a crystal beast deck in a tourney try 2 make a light and darkness dragon deck

  3. its actually not bad the way you have it now! even without rainbow dragon (which i dont even use in my crystal deck) and hamon, i would give this setup a 8.8/10, which is like a B+. I would take out 1 or 2 abundances because it can get really annoying when you have one, and then you draw one, and you cant use either of them, lol. also take out MST. when you have 3 raigeki and ancient city, you dont need an MST. also, crystal pair really isnt all that helpful, just so ya know!

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