
Crystal draw deck?

by  |  earlier

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im thinking of making a crystal draw deck it revovles around using pegasus and crystal shearches like tree and draw power card like legacy of yata and rare value maby also try to take out some of the less comon cards to make my life ezer (btw i have 2 pegisus and can soon hopefully get a 3rd)

monsters 14








spells 21

rainbow ruinsx3




rare valuex3

crystal tree x 2

hand destructionx1


traps 5

good goblin house keapingx3

legacy of yatax2

total 40 cards




  1. Don't even TRY this build.

    There is no WAY in the world you can win except for abundance.


  2. It may be about drawing but tell me..... your using rare values to draw. and thats fair enough. But ur loosing a CB again fair enough but not when u reli on having 4! crystalised beasts. even with three blessings YOU are gonna strugle to fill up your  spell/trap zones enough. THIS deck at the moment is ineffective! If your just revolving around draw then y run each of the crystal beasts? If yournot running rainbow dragon then dont bother with all of them. Again Promise at 3? Y would you do that when ur Main tactic involves filling up the spell zone for abundance?????? Your draw cards are also not great. Good goblin housekeeping? never run such a dead card. The 1st time u use it its a minus 1. the second time its break even. the 3rd time its a plus 1. How do u hope to use all three in 1 duel??? legecy might as well be jar of greed. again all your doing is drawing 1 card by using 1 card?? deck thinning perhaps but theres reli no point. Your deck is not going to perform well unless you drop this strategy. You need real trap cards and u need to loose the more useless draw cards. By all means run rare value. Its a great card. Incidently my main tactic if not the dragon is ancient city abuse. so instead of just running 3 run things to search for them like terraforming (the most reliable) this in turn thins your deck.

    Main problems with this deck

    U are relying on abundance way way to much

    To much junk in this deck. Crystal beasts have draw and thinning power built into them. Rare Values, Pegasus, Ancient city.

    Your running all 7 CB. Unless your planning on using the dragon (which i've provided a decklist for) dont run all 7.

    Ok well it's not great, but i will be constructive. wanna kno whats wrong with this deck. If your opponents summons a cyber dragon (2100atk) you dont have anything to get rid of him. As far as monsters go thats not such a bad thing as long as your spells and traps can do it then. (by the way cyber dragon was just an example. anything with over 2000 atk your gonna struggle with). Your only agressive card is abundance and that isn't always gonna win you the game. Your runnin all seven of the crystal beasts so y not throw in a rainbow dragon. Take out the crystal trees. 1 max. Your traps are all wrong. I think i'll give you a good deck list.


    Rainbow Dragon x2

    Crystal beast Sapphire Pegasus x3

    Crystal beast Topaz Tiger x2

    Crystal beast Emerald Tortoise x2

    Crystal beast Amber Mommoth x2

    Crystal beast Ruby Carbuncle x2

    Crystal beast Amythest Cat x1

    Crystal beast Cobalt Eagle x1

    Marshmallon x1


    Ancient City Rainbow Ruins x3

    Crystal Beacon x3

    Crystal Blessing x2

    Crystal Promise x1

    Crystal Abundance x1

    Crystal Release x1

    Rare Value x2

    Smashing Ground x1

    Lightning Vortex x1

    Terraforming x2

    Monster reborn x1


    Mirror Force x1

    Torrential Tribute x1

    Rainbow Gravity x1

    Rainbow Path x1

    Crystal Pair x1

    Beast soul Swap x2

    Read all my comments and take it constructively this time. I wasn't takinh the p**s but i was pointing out major floors to ur deck.

    Again hope this has helped

  3. Yeah this deck doesn't look really good, you will need to mix it with some other deck type otherwise it would get crushed by tournament worthy decks. Most of the cards dont really work together and you need strategy with the deck. To make a good deck, it takes planning and experimenting by adding new cards and taking out some other ones to see if it works better or not.
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