
Crystal meth question ?

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ok so my friend does crystal meth and he wants me to try it and im scared to like what does it do to you and will i get addicted to it the first time it try it and how do you feel when you do it the first time i kinda want to try it to say that i have but i dont wanna become like a addicted to it some info please




  1. I know individuals that do that, etc. I have had a parent die from that & other drugs. It is very easy for someone like myself to become addicted to drugs because of my family history and that is something that you need to think about before you smoke, snort, or inject crystal. I am taking adderall which is a amphetamine and it is addicting. Crystal Meth is closely related to amphetamine so if you have ever taken adderall, then multiply that feeling times 100 and that is a hit of meth that doesn't last long at all which is the reason it is very addictive! It leaves you wanting to get that same feeling again. It affects the central nervous system. Sleeping and eating are out of the question. You can possibly be irritable especially if the user stops doing meth because that person feels as if they can't function anymore and that is because your brain can't function normal anymore! Basically, that is not your friend if they are trying to bring you down with them. I hate to break it to you, but you need to find a better friend. If you want more info. then look at this website:

    I hope this helps in making the right choice. It only takes 1 time to become addicted, trust me I know.

  2. umm don't try it

    you can die from it the first time or if you're really lucky you'll just get addicted to it for the rest of your life until all your teeth rot out

  3. you can become addicted to any drug after one time, so be smart and dont do it.

  4. meth is powerful. ive never done it but ive heard that unlike other drugs you can get addicted the first time

  5. It all depends on ones personality. If you have an addictive personality your in for a fast ride! Your friend could be your worst enemy at this point! I can tell you from experience ,I shot off like a rocket and didn't run out of feul for two days the first time. I cut my grass and my neighbors to the left and then my neighbors to the right,you know,**** I had never even thought of doing before. But there's the two days of sleep that followed and the pains of all the physical *** busting I just endured. No doubt you'll more than likely enjoy life for a spell but if it gets ahold of you the long term use will litterally eat you from the inside out. This chemical robs calcium, you know,the stuff your bones and teethe are made of. Your joints start to ache, teethe fall out and strate up it's just a very dirty drug of choice. Find a friend who likes weed or something!! Good luck 1st timer!

  6. well, like um, like you culd totally get addicted, so like maybe you should kinda not wanna do it and.....

    You already sound like a drug addict!  Maybe you should ask your parents what they think about all this.  Why are you friends with a meth user?  

  7. Don't listen to him. All I can say is for most people it's not a fun drug. Addiction is a big possibility but not guarantee, feeling like "hit and freaking out is a big possibility too.

    Listen to these other nice people.  

  8. Not smart to even try it.  It's not worth it.  I have a family member and friend who are addicted and it is ruining their lives.  One has been to rehab several times and this time is in for a year.  The other one has ruined his marriage and in prison.  They both said it started with their friends just wanting them to try it, they didn't have enough courage to say no, but know they wish they had!  Be strong!!

  9. Before you try it- Go to "You-tube" and find "PHOTOS OF BEFORE AND AFTER CRYSTAL METH USE"  If that does not freak you out enough to JUST SAY NO then you are nuts. These pictures are from actual Drivers License Photos-  then, the 2'nd set are mostly mug shots.  People age like 20 years in 1 year.  Teeth fall out, scabs all over face, arms, body from trying to "dig the bugs out" that they feel.  Beautiful girls/women and handsome guys-  hags, s****s,nasty looking monsters is what they have turned themselves into.  Also-one of the hardest drugs to get off and the relapse rate after being "clean"is 70 %.  Please have more respect for yourself.  You do NOT want to mess with this stuff.    

  10. Oh god, don't do meth. It's the devil's drug. By far, the worst drug to do besides heroin. You don't sound like you're educated at all about meth. It does terrible things to people. It might be fun at first but once you get addicted you'll start hallucinating and seeing crazy sh**.  Read up on experience stories.

  11. Use your own mind and don't give in to peer pressure.

    If you have a friend that wants you to try crystal meth, then that person isn't really your friend.


    Crystal meth is dangerous, it is possible to overdose on the first try.

    DON' T DO IT. Someday you'll regret it.

  12. crystal meth is the most addicting drug around.

    don't do it.

    you'll get hooked.

    if u do, then say goodbye to the life you know.

  13. please do not do it.  You can become addicted after only one use and is extremely hard to get off of and if you don't you'll probably end up like some of the homeless people you see and die poor alone and in pain.

    It is considered the worlds most dangerous drug

  14. I have experienced and seen many things in my nearly 50 years.

    Meth is the worst.

    I have seen people get very addicted very quickly.

    I have seen that it affects their thinking quickly too, I am talking permanent brain damage.

    Please! Please do not try it.

    Not only should you not try it, but you should not be around people that do it!

    Do you think if a cop comes upon you and your friend has meth, he will believe you have nothing to do with it?

    They will think you are also guilty. Do you want to go to jail?

    Another reason to stay far far away is that people that are involved with meth make very poor judgments.

    Your friend is dealing with very shady immoral people and they will not have any qualms about trying to push you, hurting you, taking advantage of you etc.

    Find new Friends

    I am glad at least you have the sense to question it.

  15. Don't think that the people saying "don't do it" are patronizing you for health reasons. Health and "ethics/addiction" aside, it's just a stupid idea all around. Hard drugs are always a bad idea.

    If you're a billionaire and you'll never have to work a single day in your life or earn a career, then I can't really say what your outcome will be, seeing as how you don't have to do anything. If you're a rock star, then it may be easier. But if you're just an average guy, you may end up on the streets if you get into that ****.

  16. My uncle shoots Meth in his hand because his veins are collapsed in his arms.  He is 48 and lives with his mama, steals from her and everyone else, and has week long with drawls where he whines like a baby.

    My aunt has 7 felony charges pending, no electricty and is getting kicked out of her apartment because she is on Meth, and Opiates.

    My first cousin died of a Meth and Oxiconton overdose at 18.

    My little sister just got out of prison for failing a pee test over Meth.

    My real mom died at 51 from getting hepititus as a teen from shooting Meth.

    Tell your friend you would rather not inflict yourself with a mind disease.  Tell them to go to a rehab and find another friend.

  17. It is very simple.  You can get addicted to meth after trying it just once.  If you do get addicted, it is highly likely that within a year you will end up selling your **** on a street corner, in a mental hospital, or if you are lucky, you will end up in jail.  So if that sounds appealing to you, try it!  (Please note the intended sarcasm)

    But the person who wants you to try meth is not a friend.  The consequences of taking meth can be so horrific that I would not even give meth to my worst enemy.

  18. It's all fun and game at first, but after a while it will turn your life upside down. If I were you, I would just stay away from that stuff. Everybody that i know that does meth, is either in jail or has a very messed up life. You don't want to worry about losing all your teeth when you're 30, or have scars all over your face from picking on it. Think about it, you have a bright future ahead of you...

  19. Don't do it. You WILL get terribly addicted. It will make your body fight itself, basically.

    If you want to destroy your body, ruin lot's of parts of your life, then go for it. But once you try it, you'll be addicted.

  20. It can do this{see web page below} within many times a year or so! Tell your friend he's an idiot and stay away from that! Smoke pot if you have to get high,but this is addictive with ONE dose! It can also dp permanent organ damage quickly. Also your frind will lie to you and say it's no big deal and he's lying. DON'T BE A DOPE AND LOOK AT THIS SITE OF PEOPLE THAT JUST TRIED IT AND GOT ADDICTED!

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