
Crytek open to Wii-U version of Crysis 3 – Video Games Update

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Crytek open to Wii-U version of Crysis 3 – Video Games Update
Crytek Producer, Mike Read, has confirmed that Crytek is working closely with Nintendo even though he has not confirmed Crysis 3 for the upcoming system.
“I wouldn't say no chance. I mean the Wii U still doesn't have any kind of release [date] attached to it at this point. Who knows what the future will bring with it. I can definitely say that we are working with Nintendo, and that's about all I can say on
that front. I wouldn't rule it out, but there has really been no official release associated with the Wii U yet, and given that we're releasing Crysis in an eight month time period in February of 2013, we can't play off of what their schedules are. I wouldn't
rule it out, but you know, it is a possibility," stated Read in an interview with CVG when asked if Crytek’s upcoming shooter would be hitting the Wii-U.
It seems that Crytek is not ready to reveal the game yet but they aren’t denying it either. What’s curious is how Crytek will utilise the Wii-U’s latest tablet controller and whether if the Wii-U version of Crysis 3 has any exclusive bonus features not found
on other platforms.
Knowing it’s Nintendo and how they sometimes outsource their first party Intellectual Properties (IPs) to third party, for example Metroid: Other M by Team Ninja. There might also be a chance that Crytek might be developing a Nintendo exclusive and since
Crytek’s strength is in Shooters, a Shiny new CryEngine 3 powered Metroid game for the Wii-U launch comes to mind. Then again, it could be anything else.
One thing is for certain though; Crytek working on the Wii-U must mean that the console will pack some punch and is not as weak as the rumours claimed it to be. Crytek would not have bothered with the console if it could not support the CryEngine 3. Judging
from the latest Crysis 3 trailer, the game seems to offer the most stunning visuals in a first person shooter game to date. Fans will probably have to wait until the console release date is announced before Crytek reveals anything else.



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