
Cth Wealth games aside, is Jane Flemming a hypocrite for saying Tamsyn Lewis is not an olympic athlete? ?

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Jane's best performance at an olympics game was 7th! What a joke, no-one cares about performances at the Commonwealth Games!




  1. Yes i think that Jane Flemming is a hypocrite she should know how hard Tamsyn has worked to get where she is so how about you jane get off your bum and do better and see if you are olympic material.

  2. For that u have to see

  3. What is with you people trying to cut down one of the most respected athletes from this country just because she made a comment about her belief of the ability of another athlete?

    Jane Flemming is NOT saying Tamsyn Lewis is not an Olympic athlete. No one is denying she has talent. She is obviously at an Olympic Level and got there because of her talent. So she is an OLYMPIC athlete.

    Jane Flemming is saying that Tamsyn Lewis does not have the ability to be a CHAMPION of her selected sport.

    This question has already been raised before. So instead of contributing to public misunderstandings and hype, how about you word your question correctly to start with.

  4. Tamsyn Lews spends too much time getting her photo taken and not enough time training.

  5. I think if you read the article, she actually said she isn't "Olympic Champion Material" which would make her correct.

  6. They are both highly overrated

  7. Agreed.

  8. What Jezza said. She said that she wasnt Olympic medal material and on that note I agree.

    Also she ran a 400m race earlier that day. Its a poor choice of event management.  

  9. I think that Jane Flemming is so rude. Of course Tamsyn is an olympic athlete, she qualified to get there she wouldn't be there otherwise.  Olympics is not just about winning. It is one of the few times people from all around the world come together in peace.  I think channel 7 should be ashamed from posting the question in the first place

  10. never heard of either of them

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