
Cuba ? have you been.?

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Give me some advice please. Your best and worst. We fancy going next year for 3 weeks. Is this advisable ?




  1. It's been my good fortune to have made nine visits and planning my tenth in December.You are in for a wonderful time. Cuba is so great , the people are some of the friendliest you will ever have the good fortune to meet and there is most everything  you will wish to do  is inexpensive.  There are activities to suit every member of the family. There really isn't any worst.  Chances are  you go once you will definitely return and be planning your next trip on the way home.  Check the links below. trip advisor has dozens of reviews where you can check out the  reports on the resorts.

  2. I have been. I was born in Cuba

    We are a friendly people, but I would advice you to go somewhere else for the moment.

    The country is ruled by the oldest tyranny in America. Maybe in the world

  3. Have been many times and will be going in a few weeks.

    The BEST? The people, the culture, the sights and history. You and your wife will LOVE the island. I would recommend staying in a Cuba home and avoiding the hotels for a REAL Cuban experience. Visit and try Havana-Rentals or Casa Particulars websites. You can browse the homes that are available for around $30-$40/night. Try the Old Havana or Vedado areas if you like to walk and sight see. If you are more of the "Resort" types or want a change of pace, book a few days a Playa del Este (the beach area outside of Havana) or Varadero (a couple hours from Havana). Since you are planning 3-weeks you may want to try a trip to the countryside. Visit for a beautiful home you can stay during a couple days in the cleanest city in Cuba, Cienfuegos. Trinidad is very Colonial and a short ride from Cienfuegos.

    The WORST? Consistency is generally our biggest complaint. You really need to search for good food.

    Remedy:Find a "metered" taxi and ask to take you to El Aljibe A GREAT restaurant with a nice wine selection and HUGE family size servings. The Melia Cohiba Hotel also has a couple nice restaurants. If you contact Havana-Rentals ask Miguel to suggest some Paladares to you (Cuban homes that double as private restaurants. Feel free to contact me through Yahoo messenger if you have more questions, I love Cuba and am happy to help.



  4. Cubans are great never been to country though  

  5. Well, I've been. And it's not somewhere you would ever want to returen to. Seriously, it is not really a holiday destination. Go if you like a "challenging" trip. People try to romanticize it, but it is a communist country, and the people are very oppressed. The dual currency system (pure inequality) makes them desperate to get your tourist pesos. It is an interesting place but expensive to get to, expensive in general over there because of the two-currency system, and really not relaxing. Definitely interesting socially, but do not expect a holiday like you'd have in a policitally free country. 3 weeks is a very long time to go btw, only go for a short trip if you want to try it out... And you really need some Spanish, makes a huge difference in how people treat you.

  6. Cuba is most definitely a beautiful place, both for its natural beauty AND for the Cubans and their warm hospitality.

    True, many will say not to go because it's a communist country, but you will make some wonderful friends for life. Cubans love to meet people from everywhere in the world and Cuba is extremely safe. The tourists there are relaxed and just have a great time with the Cuban friends.

    You will be made to feel very welcome and 'at home'.

    If you go for 3 weeks, it will give you ample time to be able to tour the island a bit more extensively without feeling rushed.

    You can stay at a casa particular where you can rent a private home/room and be right there in amongst the locals...or you can stay at a resort. If you do choose a resort, then do not book less than a 4* to ensure quality of food, service, accommodation, etc.

    Cuba is not boring by any means. There is a lot to see and do...and it's amazing for relaxation.

    But if you're there for 2 or 3 weeks, do your best to visit Havana.

    Take a look at the links and see what strikes you. You will enjoy Cuba and not want to even go back home that soon lol.

    And you'll be going back sooner than you think.

    Have a great time in Cuba!

  7. Go to Varedero. I've heard that that's the best place in Cuba. There are Swimming with the Dolphins, Havana trips and speed boating to do. Beach holiday really. Great beaches and the sea is lovely.

    We went to Caya Coco. A bit remote. Not a lot going on. Get a book or some good tunes for the flight though. Bum goes numb after a while(LOL).

    Hope this helps.

  8. Cuba is a beautiful country with very kind people. Varadero is a nice lovely place to go with lots of beaches and modern hotels.

    I recommend to pay a visit to Havana, a great experience to see what's left of a city that was once the richest city of Latin America.

    The population is indeed poor but kind, it is amazing how they survived the economic problems and still find time to laugh and make fun.

    Read more


  9. No, it is not. Cuba is a comunist country. Would you go to south Africa while it had the apartheid ?

  10. Yes, I have been. I was born there

    My best advice, don't go there

  11. It's a shame you plan on supporting a regime that mistreats their own people. The only reason the government in Cuba allows tourism, is since the fall of the USSR, their benefactor doesn't exist. They need tourism dollars desperately to keep the dictatorship going.

    Don't believe the hype from the Cuban apologists on YA. Please investigate for yourself.

    Follow the link and find out what the "real" Cuba is like:

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