
Cuba-what really happened who will be in power? elections? Why is there still an embargo with Cuba?

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Is there still tension between Cubans and Americans? Why?

Would Cuba be more developed if there were no embargo?

We would appreciate all of your opinions; we know someone who is Cuban and are not sure what to think.




  1. What just really happened was that the Cuban National Assembly voted on Raul Castro, brother of FIdel Castro, to succeed him as the new president of, there were no direct elections for the President, however Cuba did and does hold elections for their legislative branch, the National Assembly, but skeptics view this body as a mere rubber stamp of the Executive, which is the Council of State.

    Could Cuba  be more developed with no embargo?  Most certainly, the American embargo on Cuba, which has been condemned unanimously by the United Nations General ASsembly (the US is in isolation in embargo-ing Cuba) has had a major harmful effect on Cuba.   By denying Cuba the right to trade with the US and acquire hard currency, it cannot purchase much of the latest medicines and medical equipment to help their population...US pharmaceuticals produce roughly half of all the world's new drugs and most of the major drugs over the past 25 years...Cuba can purchase these and other products from third parties, but because these countries are farther away they must incur higher transportation costs....

    And it denies Americans some of Cuba's achievements as well...Thus Cuba has developed a vaccine against a form of childhood meningitis that affects kids in this country, but the embargo places restrictions on the acquisition of this medicine

    read about that vaccine here

    The embargo is also denying valuable intellectual and cultural exchanges as well...

    the reason the embargo persists is because Cuba refuses to conform to the US economic and political model which we dictate to other countries in this hemsiphere....That's why we are so angry with Chavez in Venezuela.  That's why the US conducted a war against the Sandinista government in NIcaragua.  Anyone who seeks to chart of economic development which excludes american corporations is quickly isolated and even attacked militarily.  This is easily tested and demonstrable...Just look at the history of US relations with South and Central America...

  2. ,Yes there is some tension on both sides  the US has hard line Cubans that had lost all of their possessions and even family members in Cuba Now the embargo at this time probably should be lifted but think about it Cuba can still trade with the rest of, the world so that is not a excuse for the 3rd world conditions they face on that island Raul Castro is the 1 guy in power and communism looks here to stay.............................Soy you are not Cuban at least i am half Cuban and also you are saying word for word the party line coming out of Cuba they have a good propaganda machine and you are doing a service by spreading that message so good in fact maybe you should try living in Cuba if it is such  a paradise!

  3. Look up the "Cuban Missle Crisis."

  4. The US is the only country that does not trade with Cuba. Almost all other countries do. So Cuba is the way it is because of Cuba , not because of the US. If we had relations with Cuba , the only difference would be that there would be more US tourist there , just another Caribbean island to visit and relax

  5. the tension is the u.s. does not trade with cuba because they are a communist country. but so is china but go figure why most of our stuff is from china. i dont believe there is a lot of tension between cubans and americans other than any other tension that people have with immigrants

  6. Raul Castro took over from his brother Fidel.  There were no elections and most people living there don't care as they have grown accustomed to living with a dictoral regime.  The embargo still exists because Cuba is a communist state.  Tension levels are way down since the missle crisis in the early 60's.  Cuba trade is limited not by trading partners or lack of them, but by the economics of the island.  Sugar cane and tobacco being big trade items for them.

         The Cuban you know probably left Cuba for better lifestyle, unless he was part of the Marriell boat lift, where Fidel released criminals to come to the US.

  7. Back in the day Fidel took power with the guns He turn the missile toward Floride for some political story He was defending his country from the Macdonald and coca cola culture

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