
Cuban Karate Dude Banned for Life... Too Harsh?

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OK, so listen meng, I was watching the Olympics and saw my ese kick the ref in the face. Now, I am not saying that he should have done that, but I can understand the frustration. I mean, this is the olympics and he worked his whole life to get here and a poor call by the referee cost him his dream.

Which brings me to another point. I can't help to think that the referee is culpable in all this. I mean, if he made the right call in the first place, there would have been no reason for my meng to kick him, thereby avoiding the whole incident.

Personally if I were the Karate guy, I would be looking to take action against the ref. I mean, it was his blown call that caused this outburst and ruined his entire life's work.

Either way, a lifetime ban is kinda harsh.

What are your thoughts?




  1. He effin nailed two judges lol

    what do u expect

  2. It's not the referee's fault.

    The rule is you only have one minute injury time. He and his coach should have well known about the rule. It's sad for him being disqualified while he was leading, but the referee was just being fair and square.

    I don't think it's too harsh. He could've filed a complaint, but doing something like this is just totally unacceptable and un-sportmanship.

  3. He soon got up didn't he just another spoilt brat banned for life that's good

    A role model to all the those oh so naughty chav kids to look upto

  4. He overreacted; if he really felt it was unjustified, he should have complained instead of reacting in an uncontrolled way

  5. It doesn't matter. Even if he is not banned, no referee would want to referee any tournaments he is taking part in. So either way, he will not get to compete. Banning him for life is just saving everyone the trouble.

  6. Entire life's work???  You have the opportunity to comeback.  Thems the breaks.  Injuries cause a lot of athletes from participating.  He should have let his coach file an appeal.  Rules are in place to protect the athletes from their own stupidity or from there coaches stupidity.  

    If you can't respect the rules set by an international organization that has been around over a hundred years than you need to not participate.

    He's lucky the ref didn't press charges.

  7. well wat would u do if u got kicked in the face?

  8. it is not a harsh punishment! he kicked the ref!!!

  9. it's not harsh it's just the right decision from the referee, i saw myself the fight, when we go to competition we are told, instructed, and disciplined some of good manners,attitudes to gain sympathy, respect etc. if we are competing we are not there to make trouble to anyone but to win the fight and get a medal. but from the time that we create trouble even to the referee then whatever is the outcome then the person merit it. he should have taught that before, before going to the competition and to the foreign land. it's up to him to adjust his character traits in order not be sanctioned by no one.

    besides kicking the referee i think that's a lot, he's not the adversary why he has to be kicked?

    its fair the decision it's good for him and for his country, it will give lesson to all those next time who will want to participate on any games.

    besides karateka in asia we don't express anger but use the brain to defeat your adversary not by getting yourself tired in kicking.

  10. There are always ways to protest, file a protest, stop and walk away.   BUT you should never ever ever take it out physically with a referee or judge..EVER.

    Ban for life is good!

  11. I could see maybe being banned from the Olympics but life from any tournaments in the federation. A little harsh.

  12. The referee made the right call.  He took too long to recover from injury.  The rule is 1 minute, and he exceeded it.  The end of story.  As soon as the ref announced that he's disqualified, he jumped up and walked around arguing, and even kicked the referee with this supposedly "injured" foot.

    Kicking referee, or anybody in this regards, is just poor sportsmanship, not to mention illegal (assault).

    I think that the punishment is too lenient.  On top of the ban, he should be legally prosecuted for assault.  Serve his time in China.  That will teach him some respect towards other people.

  13. harsh? his reaction in kicking the ref was harsh.

    ban is a good deal. puts other psycho athletes on notice that they won't tolerate this sort of outrageous behavior

  14. yes he has worked his whole life for this dream, but he also knows the rules.  He should also respect the sport enough not to let his emotions get the best of him and take it out on the ref.  The ref is just trying to do his best, the ref isn't some magical person who can make every call perfect, maybe he did make a mistake, but that doesn't mean kick the dude in the face.

    Not only does that show you have not respect for your sport, but it shows you have not respect for your country because you let emotions get the best of you.

    I think this punishment isn't too harsh.  He is the one that went over the line, not the ref.  Yes the ref made the call, but the ref isn't the one that provoked him to act.

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