
Cubs fans. How would you explain the curse of the goat to someone who has never heard of it?

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Also, Bartman? Black Cat?




  1. There was a bar owner that wanted to bring his bar's mascot (a billy goat) into Wrigley Field in the 1940's.  The Wrigley staff would not allow the animal into the stadium.  The bar owner got mad and put a "curse" on the team to never win the World Series.

  2. Just tell them the truth.  The manager of the cubs at the time was married to a goat and they wouldn't let the goat in the stadium.  All the cubs fans at the game thought the goat was attractive, and they booed the decision. They were then cursed by the goat and haven't won a world series since.  If cubs fans weren't such goat lovers, maybe they would have a world series.  Cubs suck, go brewers.  The brew crew doesn't love goats, we love beer.  Good luck, goat lover.

  3. let them know that a gentleman wanted to see a baseball game but wasn't allowed to attend because his instance on bringing in his goat, he put a curse on the team saying they would never go to the world series again.

  4. Tell them that some dude brought a goat in the park and they just sucked for 100 years since then so they blamed it on a goat. They got sick of a goat so they blame it on Bartman now. Typical losers blaming it on something other than the fact that they suck as a team and an organization. Fans too!

    Ray Michael: Can anyone guess that Ray Michael is a Cub fan without reading his post? Look at his Avatar of him dancing in his underwear with other dudes!  hahahahaha

    By the way Ray Michael, anyone can copy and paste like you do

  5. its easy: there is no such thing as curses. the cubs have just had a long string of coinciding events that get used by the media and then dickheads start believing things that clearly aren't true. as a cub fan, i'm tired of hearing about curses and goats and bartmans and blah blah blah.  

  6. Explain to them that if you root for a team that constantly sucks you need something or someone to blame.  Like a goat.  Or a goofy looking kid with glasses on.  The cubs don't lose because they suck, it's because of a goat.  

    Bartman for president 08

    Go Brewers!

  7. Most of you people are clueless to the story of the Goat. I especially love the ever obsessed White Sox Fan "Ron Santo = No Legs" which is the most pathetic name I have ever seen. You can tell how obsessed that he is with the Cubs because he answers every Cubs question. Way to go on totally not knowing your history. The curse started in 1945...not 1908. Here is the real story:

    The Curse of the Billy Goat is a curse on the Chicago Cubs that was started in 1945. As the story goes, Billy Sianis, a Greek immigrant (from Paleopyrgos, Greece, who owned a nearby tavern (the now-famous Billy Goat Tavern), had two $7.20 box seat tickets to Game 4 of the 1945 World Series between the Chicago Cubs and the Detroit Tigers, and decided to bring along his pet goat, Murphy (or Sinovia according to some references), which Sianis had restored to health when the goat had fallen off a truck and subsequently limped into his tavern. The goat wore a blanket with a sign pinned to it which read "We got Detroit's goat". Sianis and the goat were allowed into Wrigley Field and even paraded about on the playing field before the game before ushers intervened and led them off the field. After a heated argument, both Sianis and the goat were permitted to stay in the stadium occupying the box seat for which he had tickets. At this point, Andy Frain (head of Wrigley Field's hired security company at the time), waved the goat's box-seat ticket in the air and proclaimed, "If he eats the ticket that would solve everything."However, the goat did not. Before the game was over, it started to rain and Sianis and the goat were ejected from the stadium at the command of Cubs owner Philip Knight Wrigley due to the animal's objectionable odor of wet goat. Sianis was outraged at the ejection and allegedly placed a curse upon the Cubs that they would never win another pennant or play in a World Series at Wrigley Field again because the Cubs organization had insulted his goat, and subsequently left the U.S. to vacation in his home in Greece.

    The Cubs lost Game 4 and eventually the 1945 World Series, prompting Sianis to write to Wrigley from Greece, saying, "Who stinks now?"

  8. Just tell them it's a BS excuse so as to not have to put blame for losing where it belongs - on the players. Not some goat, or a black cat, day baseball, or Steve Bartman.

  9. Wow not one Cubs fan knows the real story of "the curse of the goat" .

    Maybe they think that if they put their heads in the sand the curse will go away .

    IT WON'T !!!

  10. Get Steve Bartman to tell them the story....

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