
Cud sum1 plz tell me what a "homosechsul" is plzthx?

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Hello i herd sum1 takking bout a homsexal and he sed dhey r sinfull but 'im not shore what he ment can sum1 plzz tell me what a hmosexul is plzzz!!!




  1. I have never heard of such a word.

  2. First off, judging by your spelling, you may be too young to even know.

    But, all things aside, a "homosexual" is a person who likes people of the same gender/s*x.

    Like, for instance.  I'm a boy.  And i like boys in both sexual and physical/mental ways.

  3. you may want to purchase a dictionary...

  4. you are all nasty

    you can blatantly see that this person is not a very strong writer and you're all just taking the P!$$

    dollyknockers i would love to knock you out u nasty piece of work your the most s***k b\itch ive ever heard of i wish for you to add me on msn so we can discuss this matter even further

  5. Homo = man

    s*x = short for insects

    Shawl = a sort of scarf worn around the shoulders

    Homosexshawl = male insect that wears a shawl.

    Just realised that homo doesn't mean man. Doh. Attempt at clever joke FAIL.

    linkinpark4life (and dolly knickers and HaK and every bloody-one-else who can't recognise sarcasm/making fun of stupid people in its most obvious form): Have you had a sense-of-humour-ectomy?

  6. Number one: Please learn to spell

    Number two: Its HOMOSEXUAL

    Number three: a homosexual is a person who likes a person of the same s*x (people who are g*y)

    EDIT:: LauraLorLor

    its a bit hard to recognise it when there are actually people who seriously type like this. so, yeah, whatever

  7. You are the reason that abortion has never been made illegal unfortunatly you slipped thru the net, In a fair world you would have never got past the sluce room

  8. a bummer

  9. God, you got a keyboard and spell check hun, please use it.

    Answer is

    Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same s*x.


    A homosexual person; a g*y man or a L*****n.

  10. No, but I would be more worried about having people teach me to spell!!  :@)

  11. Homosechsul iz wen yoo hav a dood who sez "Oh hai! I can haz buttsecks wif doodz?", and tehn haz teh buttsecks.

  12. a homosexual is a g*y person.

  13. leave him the **** alone. He probably has dislexia. Go and chew on horse buiscuits you silly people

    DollyKnockers you sl*g. He mite have problems. I think YOUR the reason for that stupid tw*t

  14. Look it up in the dichtunary

  15. homosexual:  a person who can only form a loving romantic relationship with a person of the same gender (ie, male + male or female + female).

    bisexual:  a person who can form a loving romantic relationship with a person irrespective of gender (ie, male or female).



  16. shlemiel

  17. a "homosechshul" is a german food that consists of six entrees ("sechs" =6 in german) that are all the same ("homo" is latin for "same"), and "shul"... well, I don't really want to know. I don't have a good past with german food. One time I went to an Oktober Fest and I ate some of this hotdog thing that was like a foot long and looked like an elk's p***s. it was really disgusting. made you feel very dirty. never again.

    now a homosexual, on the other hand, is a completely different story, and nowhere near as negative (in fact, very positive!) as disgusting german food...

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