
Cultural Switch?

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If you could switch one cultural thing that men can do that women cant (vice versa) or are more frowned upon?

Example: A lot of courts appeal more to women then men.

Example:Men can go around shirtless but women have to at least wear bras.




  1. Geez, just one?

    1. When a woman tries to pay her share in a relationship, she is branded "unfeminine"; when she doesn't even try, she is branded a "gold-digger."

    2. When a man takes time out for personal grooming, he is branded "feminized"; when he looks like a slob, he is branded, well, a slob.

  2. I would want to be able to walk the streets without being afraid of rape.  Just one day without that fear in the back of my head would be such a blessing.  I know that men get raped, but lets have some real respect for the numbers.  Rape is a reality for 3 in 5 women.

  3. If a guy hit me I would put him in hospital, if a woman hit me then it is funny as h**l, so yeah just keep it the same :-D

  4. lol I'd make it so it's culturally appropriate for women to not shave their legs. ;o)

  5. I feel that men who raise kids and take care of the house while their wives go to work should be able to do so without people assuming they're lazy bums.   If that's how a family wants to do things, what's the big deal?

    For women, I think that society is less accepting of women aging naturally, and I wish that were not the case.  Men and women both get wrinkles, but the creams and collagen injections and plastic surgery seem to be marketed mostly to women.  Look, we all wrinkle with age, and we all know that.  What's with all this pressure on women to pretend that we don't?

    Edit :  As many as I want?  Oh, ok.

    I think men should be allowed to marry men and women should be allowed to marry women.

    I think men should have an equal chance at getting custody of the kids in the event of divorce.

    I agree that if men don't have to wear shirts, then women shouldn't have to either, although personally I prefer to wear one.

    I think it's silly in this day and age that some people still expect a woman to wait for a man to propose marriage, rather than her proposing to him.

    I think if women can go around in pants, then there ought to be nothing wrong with men going around in dresses.

    And I think that if a woman keeps her name when she gets married, she should be able to do so without people assuming it's a statement of ambivalence or disrespect or some other silly thing.   Nobody thinks my husband is less committed to our marriage because his name didn't change, so why assume that about me?

  6. La Belle Dame Sans Merci:  the 3 in 5 number for rape is NOT true, and was only concocted by a feminist to get a point across.  Trouble with such actuions is that they usually lead to fools believing them.  If you want men to take rape seriously, stop saying that 60% of us are rapists because we will deliberately not be onside beacuse you treat us with contempt!  I doubt that 60% of women claim to have been raped either.

    I would like it if men were treated equally in fact in custody disputes.  before someone accuses me of being a bitter loser in such a dispute: I have no children

  7. i wish i didn't have to keep my toes polished, i wish that in an emergency i could pee anywear i wanted (instead of having to hide and squat), i wish i didn't have to shave my legs and pits, men can have s*x with a stranger and they're bachelors, but when women do it they're whores.

    *edit* i could believe that 40% to 60% of women have been raped (especially in less developed nations). two of my dearest female friends have been sexually assaulted. just because we don't talk about it or report it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. and not all rapes are done by strangers creeping around the corner. i've been on a date with a guy that convinced me to have s*x with him when i didn't want to and another guy got me drunk to try to have s*x with me. i learned not to put myself in those positions again, but its very real. just ask around.
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