
Cultural differences starting to raise a huge problem?

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As a species I'm starting to feel failed,as a human being I'm starting to feel violated,as a dweller of this globe I'm starting to feel beyond iscolated,as a member of this race of up-right walkers I'm feeling disolutioned...Pray tell...Is this the real world? Is this just fantasy...Caught in a land-slide...




  1. Yes, it is fantasy, just your fantasy should match the fantasy of most everyone else or you will be in trouble. When the enviroment changes and it doesn't fit anymore then you will feel that way so that you will get off your seat and do something. If gas prices are the cause then walk to the store, get a better gas user or a motorcycle. Enviroment changes cause us to use our brains. There are solutions, we just have to think about it up, down, sideways. If we have to go back to riding horses then we will just have to get wet when it rains.

  2. the human kingdom is the highest form of creation.  it controls and understands all the other 3 kingdom below it.  

    the animal kingdom - cant communicate beyond their species.  dolphins are supposedly smart as us but still cant get out of water

    vegetable kingdom - no movement supply food for the above 2 kingdoms

    mineral kingdom - water, mountain, rocks etc - no movement too and provides physical for the above 3.

    human kingdom is endowed with creative thought and intellect

    where do we the individual fit and role to be played -  u decide

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