
Cumulative GPA to a 3.7 from 3.498?? Is it possible? HELP!!?

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I am going into junior year of high school and i was just wondering if i can get a 3.7 cumulative GPA if i have a 3.498 going into this year.

I am taking 2 AP classes but i understand most schools like U of M and Michigan State might not weight the class so do i have a chance to raise my cumulative GPA from a 3.98 to a 3.7 or higher if i get a 4.2+ in one year?





  1. Just work as hard as ever

    Get the best grades you can

    I raised my GPA from a 3.56 to a 3.7 in one year!

    (I took 1 AP class and a few Concurrent Enrollment)

  2. I'm looking at MSU as well, although I didnt know your cumulative GPA will lower once MSU or UofM do their calculations. Since you said your GPA from a 3.98 to 3.7

  3. (3.498 * 2 + 4.2) / 3 = 3.732

    Since you have completed 2 years of HS, I weighted your current GPA by 2 and added your projected GPA for your Junior year.  Looks like its doable.

  4. When I finished my sophomore year of high school I had a 2.9.

    I moved summer before my junior year. Since I didn't know too many people I spent more time studying & less time partying, and the school was easier. Anyway, I graduated with a 3.9

    If I could from a 2.9 to a 3.9, then you could do this

    Get a book on how to study for SATs, especially for the math Q's. They ask the same kinds of math questions. If you learn the tricks on solving them you'll do well. When you learn the tricks, you'll be surprised on how easy they actually are.

    My practice SAT I got a little under 1100. When I took it for real after studying on my own I got a 1410.

    You can do it! Just study a little everyday. Make it part of your daily routine.

    Look up your textbooks online. For a couple of classes I found the website that my teachers got their tests from

  5. Yes they do, your final gades will be on your transcripts and they will see the improvement made. but be carefully that the AP classes don't lower your GPA if you don't do very well. that happens alot of times to. Also make sure the AP classes have to do with what you might be majoring after you graduate.

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