
Cumulonimbus Clouds?

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What comes out of the type of cloud Cumulonimbus?




  1. A cumulus is a cloud coming from the air rising and the water in it condensing. If there is much heat difference, rising of the air and humidity at the base of it, the condensation will continue until the droplets of water are so big that they fall by gravitation as rain or snow. The cloud then is called cumulobimbus because nimbus means rainy cloud in latin.

  2. Thunderstorm with rain or hail accompanied by cool air due to downdraft.

  3. They are typical thunderstorm clounds. Often times producing hail as well....and heavy downpours.

  4. Rain or hail.

  5. Cumulonimbus means "cloud that rains", but this is not exactly correct.  Cumulonimbus clouds form from small cumulus clouds such as those in a sunny sky during the summer.  If the atmospheric conditions are right the cloud begins to expand, growing both wider and taller.  Thesew clouds are sometimes called towering cumulus.  Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets.  Movement of the air within the cloud pushes these droplets up and down where they merge with other droplets thus becoming bigger.  If the size and weight of the water droplets become heavy enough, they can begin to fall as rain.  Falling rain drags a small amount of air with them, so the cloud can have both upward winds and downward winds.  As long as the upward winds continue to cause the cloud to grow, it is still called a cumulus cloud.  If the cloud loses its upward motion because of wind currents caused by rain or for any other reason the cloud stops growing upward and begins to dissipate.  At the instant the cloud begins to dissipate it is then a cumulonimbus cloud.

    A cumulonimbus cloud can disappear without anything coming out of it, but this is rather unusual.  Virga, rain that evaporates before hitting the ground, is commonly seen falling from a cumulonimbus cloud as is rain (and snow).  Sometimes if the weather conditions are right tornadoes form.

  6. Rain, hail, snow--they can all come out of cumulonimbus clouds.  Even lightning and tornadoes sometimes.
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