
Cunsumption & conservation of resources?

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i wanted to make project on this topic




  1. cunsumption in proper way is known as conservation.

  2. Hard to figure out exactly what you are after but it sounds like sustainability ,in production  and utilizing resources

    For that check our Permaculture it is concept especially aimed at that as well as auto suficiency

    growing your own food ,supplying your own Energy and using your own wastes and by products in a positive manner ??

    the philosiphy which teaches that with drawings examples and relevant facts is called Permaculture

    .Also check out on the Internet EARTHSHIPS buiding eco friendly homes from wast material ,and check the link straw revolution.


    At home you can grow vegetables intensively and quite cheaply using your own wastes and by products and plantig for mulch


    The best in the world is the manure that comes from earth worms,if you mulch your garden you will get worms automatically

    All manure is good to add ,cow,rabbit, and horse is the mildest and you can put it on directly.

    Chicken is more acidy and is best to mix with saw dust or earth ,

    You cannot put too much manure in your garden,it will just get richer and richer,

    But to prevent smell mix it well with the ground or with something else before you put it on, like sand or earth or sawdust

    Uric acid or nitrogen is good ,this is animal urine,

    Farmers now put gutters in their stables to collect it and put it on the land especially for the grassy type species.

    Cut down the weeds before they produce seeds and leave them where they fall,they will cover the ground and put even more organic matter on top,

    You can use saw dust,leaves green or dry,and when you plant make a little space and plant in the mulch.this is the easiest quickest and by far most benificial way,for the quality of you soil.

    To prevent weeds from coming all you have to do it turn out the lights,you can even use cardboard or black plastic(this is good for strawberries because they will rot if they touch humid ground,and the bugs can get to them).

    What you do is to cover the ground with mulch which is the same principal as compost but it includes the whole garden surface

    The top part of the soil where the topsoil is being produced houses a world or microbiotic life.

    Mulch is organic material green or dry that covers the ground,the thicker the better the composting process will turn it in to black topsoil

    The humidity is preserved underneath and promotes the devellopment of worms(their exists no better compost than their excrements)and a variety of micro biotic life which together with the mulch produce more topsoil.

    The mulch also keeps the ground temperature even and guards against the impact of the rain ,which would other wise brings salt to the surfave if on unprotected land

    Mulch also prevents the soil from drying out because of the sun and, lay it open to wind erosian.

    do not use chemicals because the water will wash them into the ground and if enough people did that, you would be guilty of helping to contaminate subteranean water suplies that other people could be pumping up to drink


    make a compost heap to accomodate al the organic rubbish that you end up with ,both from the garden and the house,all organic material is good for compost,eggshells,wood,

    paper,bones,leaves,pine needles

    sawdust,old clothes ,the dead cat,toilet paper


    70 %of contamination comes from organic wastes that are mixed with the plastics etc.


    Dig a shallow hole ,bowel shaped about 2 or 3 square meters ,have it in a shady place,like under a tree or built a little roof.

    Keep the compost moist,have it near a sprinkler or regularly wet it with a garden hose ,dont saturate with water because the worms will leave

    or die.

    You can add a little lime at times,cover it with leaves or plastic to keep the moisture in.

    We add red earth worms(californiana)which are surface eaters,the more worms, the quicker the decomposition and the richer the compost.


    IN AFRICA we had camelions in the kitchen to keep down the flies

    In Mexico we got a sort of small lizard that lives on the wall ,and sit near the lamps ,and eat mosquitos all night,

    In the mango orchards we release laboratory bred wasps to attack and kill the caterpillars that go for the mangos

    There are small chickens, called a silky or bantom or chaparito which are all small chickens that do not scratch ,but run after ,jumping and walking insects,they take care of about 70 percent of all garden pests.

    Feasants,guinyfowel,partridge will do the same work

    Iguanas kill grashoppers and all kinds of flying insects

    Birds we also dont kill

    when the passion fruit is ripe ,a little black caterpiller comes and wants to destroy them,luckely a little finch type bird turns up and eats the black caterpillars.

    In Mexico we have let mazacoas,which are, python type snakes in to the garden to take care of the rats.

    In Africa we released mole snakes into the garden and field to combat the plagues of Norwegian rats that were destroying the fields

    Ant eaters and armadillos take care of leafcutting ants that can destroy a large tree in a week.and eat beatles and such

    Potbelly pigs and deer and normal pigs are good in an orchard because they eat fallen rotting fruit which breeds a lot of small flies.

    In our water reservoirs we put fish to eat the mosquito larvas.

    Ihave bred tree frogs from eggs and released them in the garden to eat mosquitos and horse flies.

    You can keep a barrel of water and throw in everybodies sigarette buts

    this can be used for getting rid of ants

    A mixture of green liquid soap with garlic and terpentine also gets rid of a lot of leaf eating pests

    Lavendal is good for moulds

    and there is a great variety of weeds that acts as pest repellents when ground up (such as Khki boss in South africa )

    Marigolds and similar looking flowers around vegetable keep bugs a way

    So does garlic ,mint ,spring onions ,oregano ,thyme

    when planted near Tomatoes


    In Permaculture the rule is to harvest rain water to the point of Zero runoff.

    This means that all of the rain that falls on an area is absorbed by the terrain and not a drop leaves it.

    By building dams,ponds or swales, with interconecting ditches,

    If there are enough of these ;the places ,where before the rain water ran over the ground into the rivers and on to the sea ,(in a matter of hours or days),

    It now runs into absorbant dams or swales and saturates the ground and eventually reaches subteranean water deposits ,taking many months to do so.

    Or it fills up ponds that can be used for Aquaculture.

    And so a convex situation that repels water is transformed in a concave ,absorbant one and turning the area in to a sponge.

    In Spain and Portugal ,which still display many examples of the conquering Moorish influence,One can find many remnants of Waterharvesting,such as aquaducts and tanks underneath the patios ,which collect the rain water from the roofs ,to be used in dryer times.

    In Arabia ,on a large scale ,land has been shaped to catch and lead,rain water into sandy areas or to agricultural lands.sand is almost as good as dams because it absorbs water and holds it.(swales)



    one can connect the sink straight to the toilet sistern and so use the water twice ,first to have a shave and then to flush the toilet

    also if you bend the ball valve you can regulate the level of the sistern

    and always have your grey water and black water seperate

    so that the sink and shower water goes directly into the garden saving on irregation and at the same time ,making the sewage smaller and easier to deal with ,this also goes and iregates the garden but via a sitern of two compartments and a french drain ,on which you plant trees,


    Permaculture means permanent agriculture

    a concept put forward by Bill Mollisson in the 60`s

    which is a complete hand book for environmental design.

    With practical solutions for energy systems ,infratructure ,housing,

    animal shelter ,water systems and sustainable agricultural practises.

    With the world and it`s history as it`s source

    From the chinampas of Mexico to the teraced gardens of the Andes.

    From the dessert whadis to the steppes of Russia.

    Covering all climatic conditions temporal, dessert, humid and dry tropics.

    with chapters on soil ,Water harvesting and land design,

    Earth working ,Spirals in nature,Trees and water ,utilising energy flows,

    Strategy for an alternative nation

    this book also has many gardening tips,bio-gas,companion planting and ideas for structures ,how to cool down houses in hot climates ,how to warm up houses in cold climates with out using technology but rather by design.

    The Permaculture designers manual by Bill Mollison,which cost about 40 dollars.

    and is the best all round book you can get,on Environmental design,.(tagiari publishing,

    Some other writers that are on the internet are

    david Holmgren

    Larry Santoyo

    Kirk Hanson

    Masanobu Fukuaka has written ,

    One-Straw Revolution

    The Road Back to Nature

    The Natural Way of Farming

    Simon Henderson

    and Bill Molisson.

    a representitive of the concept in USA is

    Dan Hemenway at Source(s) Until recently I was a permaculture consultant for the department of Ecology for the regional government of Guerrero in Mexico

    rbyderule yahoo 360, which has some stuff in English as well as this spaces

  3. Resources include that of energy, water, mineral ,soil & biotics (plants & animals ).

    The  resources play an important role  in the economics of a nation.  

    Vast quantities of fossil fuels   are needed to supply the energy  to run cars, produce electricity, and heat buildings.

    In addition, various minerals and metals are needed to build the structures and machines used in everyday life.  The extent of development of a nation is therefore directly tied to the rate of consumption of these resources.  Since these resources are unevenly distributed throughout the world, countries that consume more than they can produce domestically must rely on foreign nations that have a rich stock of the needed resource

    Petroleum has a wide variety of uses in our society.  These uses have become essential to the functioning of our nation.  As crude petroleum is refined, several products are extracted that are useful.  These include gasoline, heating oil, kerosene, and diesel.  Petroleum byproducts are also used to create plastics and synthetic rubber.

    These plastics are used to make a variety of goods needed for everyday life.  

    Fertilizers are also produced from petroleum.  Most importantly, petroleum byproducts are used to create energy to power cars, produce electricity, and heat homes

    Natural gas as an energy source is still quite abundant.  Its usage has increased greatly due to this.  It is very clean burning and has very little harmful byproducts besides carbon dioxide

    Coal is another fossil fuel that is widely consumed.  It is mainly burned to produce electricity

    Wind power is used where large flat expanses of land allow large wind speeds to accumulate.

    .  Solar power can only be used where it is sunny throughout much of the year.  

      Ethanol is a renewable resource that is produced when corn is fermented.  It is currently mixed with gasoline to produce a motor fuel that is better for the environment.

    Soil plays a major role in food production, raw materials for industries,  & construction of houses & buildings

    water is used for domestic, agricultural, industrial & generation of electricity.

    plants are useful in  supply of food, wood, 02

    animals are used for food, transportation,clothes etc

    sun ,wind water, soil & animals & plants are renewable sources, they can be regenerated, but the rate at which they are being used is alarming & even they need time to recover & regenerate. On top of it most of these resources are polluted to a greater extent.

    The non- renewable sources will get exhausted & they take millions of years to form.

    Judicial use of the resources 'finding alternate resources &controlling pollution are the major steps.

    'reduce, recycle, reuse' is the best mantra at this juncture.

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