
Cure for Allergic Asthama.?

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I work for 08Hrs in an airconditioned office. When i go to home after work and remain there for around an hour or so i start feeling my Lungs and breathing pipe are chocked and I am unable to breath. I do not have an Air Conditioner at home. There is a sound like whistling also when trying to breath. It seems like ALLERGIC ASTHAMA. Can anyone suggest a HOME REMEDY for this kind of a problem. I don't want to use an Inhaler.




  1. Home remedy will be useful if your problem a temporary one or for a day or two. But as per you explain that it is a regualr process. Consult a pulmonologist.  If not try in homeopathy medicine - simple one, which i myself had cured, allergy or hay asthma - to the best of my knowledge a permenent cure.

  2. Following precautions

    Avoid sudden Changes of temp ie

    AC to Non AC & vice versa

    Avoid extreme cold or hot drinks

    Avoid in hailing dust

    After you handle files or documents, wash your hands with soap as dust settled on files, books etc may cause allergy

    Prepare  following Churana

    1 Pippli

    2 Azwain

    3 harad Chotti

    4 Sonth

    5  Kali Mirch

    Grind equal qty of ingredients and mix black salt as per your taste

    One small tea spoon of churn at the time of dinner and one spoon early the morning with luke warm water

    You may also take Allopathic treatment with DOCs advice but that will have side effects

  3. First, have maintenence take out the filters for the AC and clean them, and have them do this for all the vents, including the filters on the office refrigerator if there is one.  Second, I absolutely concur that the consumption of dairy worsens asthma symptoms VERY much.  I am allergic to both cats and horses.  For 17 years of my life, I was a fairly strict vegetarian (macrobiotic) and did not consume red meat, poultry, eggs or dairy very much if at all.  My asthma disappeared.  I have reintroduced many of these items into my life, and lo, the asthma has come back.  Clean up your diet, do a liver cleansing, and see if this does not help you.  Consume lots of freshly squeezed, organic lemon juice in your water, too, as this helps immensely.  I will also say as an asthmatic that keeps an inhaler around, just in case:  1) I vacuum and dust, A LOT!  2)  I find inhalers to be very low in side effects.  This is not true of the prednisone that many asthmatics take.  3)  Buy a copy of The Fourfold Path to Healing by Cowan.  This book has helped me heal myself more than almost any other book I've ever read.  4)  There is an absolutely huge correlation between adrenal depletion, allergies and asthma.  Deal w/ the adrenal depletion and oftentimes the asthma will disappear.  5)  I have had Network Chiropractic treatments while on the way to the hospital because of an asthma attack.  Let's just say I didn't need to go to the hospital after seeing my chiro, which at first was quite shocking, but wonderful.  See if you can find a Network Chiropractor in your area.  Email me if you need assistance with this.  

  4. I use an air ionizer in my home (like ionic breeze...u can find them online cheap).  It's amazing how much dust mine traps!  The ions attach to particles in the air, and they supposedly fall to the floor.  I love the way I feel when I have been running it in my house, the air smells fresher.  

  5. With all the new findings on alternative medicine and natural remedies, you may wonder if there’s a natural cure for asthma. The reality? Presently, there is no cure for asthma. In fact, it’s highly advisable to avoid any asthma treatment or product -- natural or otherwise -- that claims to be a “cure” for asthma.

    Can Natural Therapies Help to Manage Asthma?

    Some natural therapies may help to manage symptoms of asthma. For instance, a negative response to emotional stress can cause an asthma attack. Some natural relaxation remedies like deep abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and biofeedback can help relieve stress.

    Other findings suggest that diet plays a role in alleviating asthma symptoms. For example, it’s thought that omega-3 fatty acids found naturally in high-fat fish such as salmon, mackerel, or cod enable the body to make more products that tend to decrease inflammation. Whether or not this may be of benefit to those with asthma is still unproven. Besides being filled with omega-3s, salmon has protein, calcium, magnesium, some carotenoids, and B vitamins. Vitamin B-6 helps to boost the immune system, which is important in preventing disease.

    Weigh the Benefits and Risks

    As you consider the different types of natural asthma remedies available, it’s of utmost importance to cautiously balance your desire to breathe easier with the possible dangers of the treatment, which may be unknown. Never use any natural dietary supplement without checking first with your doctor or asthma specialist. Some natural herbal products, such as bee pollen, may trigger an asthma attack if you are allergic to the specific plant. Also, never stop using your asthma medications without your doctor’s knowledge. The result of not following your doctor’s prescribed medical regimen to treat your asthma can be very serious, even life threatening.

    If you are uncertain about the claims on a natural dietary supplement product label, call your doctor. A health care professional can assess the product to let you know what it contains.

    Goals of Managing Asthma

    Even though there’s no natural cure for asthma, your symptoms can be treated and controlled with several asthma medications. Your goal in managing asthma is to:  

    Get an accurate asthma diagnosis.

    Work with your doctor to develop an asthma action plan.

    Monitor your peak flow rate daily and take appropriate measures when it drops.

    Keep an asthma diary so you can track all your symptoms and medication use.

    Avoid asthma triggers or causes of asthma, including outdoor irritants such as smog.

    Seek medical advice and treatment for coexisting problems that can worsen asthma symptoms, such as GERD, allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis.

    Exercise daily to maximize your aerobic fitness.

    Prevent exercise-induced asthma by premedicating.

    Eat nutritious foods to maximize your immune defenses against viral and bacterial infections.

    Maintain a normal weight.

    Get plenty of restful sleep.

    Call your doctor at the first sign of asthma symptoms.

    Check in with your doctor regularly for breathing tests to make sure your asthma is managed and your medications are working optimally.

    You hold the key to living well with asthma. Trust your doctor to give you guidance, and then take daily responsibility for your breathing with proven self-care measures.

  6. It would be better (read:BEST) if any related physician would pleased to answer. I'm not a doc yet I guess, the AC at your working place & Non AC at your home making the bad things. Try to avoid AC room or buy an AC to your home. One hour before quitting work-place, switch off AC, if you're allowed. That might help you.  

  7. If it is allergic asthma (i.e. an allergy which gives asthma symptoms) a good kinesiologist will help you eliminate the allergy or allergies without problem. It's quite an easy thing to do for a kinesiologist.

    I hope you find a good one close to where you live.

    All the best and I wish you a good health without asthma.

    Lisa J

  8. asthama is an allegric reaction to dairy. do not cosume anything product that come froms milk...none. your breating problem will go away, as long as you are not a smoker

  9. im asthamatic from last 8 years,now its under control i use inhaler once daily (perventor and reliever) some time i dnt have reliever coz i avoid ice cream, oily and spicy food, cold and fizzy drinks. make sure ur bed clothes change regularly. avoid any pets

  10. do kapalabhati and anuloma vilom pranayama regularly

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