
Cure for Canker Sores

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My husband has been getting bad canker sores in his mouth. Right now he has one on his tounge. Is there anything I can use to get rid of it quickly? Here is what I have been doing to it.

I numb his mouth with oragel

Cleanse it with salt

make him swish salt water

then rinse

then i make him swish liquid Bendryl


swish the salt water again

and rinse

Is there anything else I need to be doing? How can I help him to stop hurting?




  1. use lime water as mouthwash to reduce the pain.  

    Following medicines have been found useful:

    1. Borax 30 three doses for one day.


    2. Arsenic Album 30 one dose for one day


    Mercurious 30 three doses for one day if there is scalding also.

    other medicines have to be used according to symptoms.  

         above is information.  Medicines to be used in consultation with a doctor.

  2. If it is indeed a canker sore, then you husband has oral herpes.

    He needs to see the doctor concerning a prescrition treatment.

    Thre is NO cure for herpes. If this is the case, you husband (and you . . . ) will need to take medication for the rest of your life.

    It cold also be that he burned his tongue on coffee or another hot food.  In this case the problem will go away by itself in 2-3 days.

    But . . .so will herpes.  So unless he sees a doctor he will never know.

  3. Oh, I feel for him. Cankers are so painful. I have suffered from them for about 6 years. My doctor has me using Lysine, a vitamin/supplement. His immune system is low and needs Lysine. Lysine can be found in a vitamin, health food store. Also, have him be careful not to cut the inside of his mouth from foods or biting the inside of his mouth or tongue. Also, he should stay away from spicy foods as these will trigger a canker. I was also told by the doctor that stress can bring these on. I would stay away from the salt water or even any food with salt in it. It is an irritant. Also, try to stay away from hot foods. The heat expands and opens the wound. The only thing they can do for canker sores, is to give you an injection for the pain. But, it does not last long. There is no medicine to make it go away quickly. It has to heal on its' own and you have to ride it out, unfortunately. The orajel or anbesol will help alleviate the pain. I hope this helps and hope he heals quickly and feels better!

  4. Your husband does NOT have oral herpes!  A Canker Sore is NOT the same as a Cold Sore.  Cankers happen when the body is deficient in certain amino acids/enzymes/chemicals.  

    Lysine (available at WalMart, GNC, Target, etc...) will take care of them almost overnight.  Take 5-6 for the first couple of days and then 1-2 until the sore is gone.
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