
Cure for Really Red Pimple on side of my nose?

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I have had these a few times..

They are always on the side of my nose.

I dont suffer from a lot of spots or pimples just mainly on my nose.

The problem is when i tried to squeeze a couple of days ago, it made it so much worse. The area around the pimple has gone extreme red.

Its not causing much of a problem except i have a job interview tomorrow and well i dont want to turn up with a large red nose...

anyone help me ??




  1. Drink green tea, then press the tea bag on the pimples and leave it to dry. Green tea is a power-antioxidant and well known for dealing with menacing pimples within a day of consumption, and almost-total eradication of pesky hormonal pimples if consumed for a long period of time. The anti-bacterial properties in the green tea liquid on your face from the teabag kills off the pimple-causing bacteria.

    This is a really natural way to go, which is what I prefer because I think 90% of pharmaceutical products are just dodgy and/or are guaranteed to have side effects, while Green Tea has atleast 10 other benefits which include helping to fight cancer cells etc. You may not like the taste at first, but it is totally worth it.

  2. Mix a few teaspoons of baking soda, half a teaspoon of water, mix it until it gets muddy, apply it to the pimple and wash it off after 15min.

  3. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. Good luck

    Try ice, or toothpaste to reduce the swelling for now. Don't touch! #1 rule! :)

  4. There is a product called Zeno which delivers a blast of heat to kill the bacteria deep inside the pore.  It is quite expensive though at $150.  If you used this in combination with spot treatment you would propably see a reduction in size by tomorrow.

    Also try an aspirin mask - you can find recipes on line.  It seems to really take the redness out.

  5. Aside from concealer, do not squeeze pimples on your nose as you can force the infection deeper. My ex-husband had problems with nose pimples when we married. He had to take tetracycline. However, I am convinced it was just hormones. Once he got a woman (ie, regular s*x with me) the problems disappeared. Good luck with your interview.

  6. Ice, concealer, and long term try using tea tree oil on your nose before you go to bed. Neutrogena has a product they claim will reduce pimples in 8hrs. You should be able to find this in your pharmacy or super market. Good luck with your interview!

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