It's not a fungus. I got it from running laps while wearing uncomfortably small shoes (big mistake) and now the nails on both pinkie toes are black. I've read it's caused by friction between the shoe and my foot, and then the blood accumulated and turned the nail black. I tried growing the nail out but the new one was still the same and I noticed that my cuticles are black too (which might explain why my new nails are still black). Toenail clippings are dark gray, not white like the others, and there's nothing under where they used to be on my toe, so I don't know how to get rid of the colour. It's embarrassing cos I used to have really nice toenails until I got one of them black from running :(
I've been doing a little research and the cure sounds really painful, so is there any other way to get rid of it besides poking it with a red hot needle?