
Cure for depression and anxiety?

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Cure for depression and anxiety?




  1. Hey i have been through depression and anxiety myself and have the scars on my arm to prove it and its good you have noticed and are asking for help i got through it by watching when i got really depressed and learning not to let things get to me just hold your head high and ignore any stupid comments people may pass good luck hope this helps.

  2. If I had a magic cure, I'd have bottled it and sold it by now.

    Unfortunately if you have actual depression rather than just feeling a bit down/fed up it takes time.  You will have some bad days and some good days, and depending how low you have gone will determine how many bad days you have initially.  What then happens is over time, the amount of good days increase and eventually outweigh the bad days.  Unfortunately what also tends to happen is that you start to get good patches but then also bad patches, and when you get a bad week or patch you will feel that you have gone backwards but you never go right back to the beginning.

    What may also happen at first is that you don't actually get whole good days but bits of days, and these are referred to as glimpses of light.  What then happens is that the glimpses get bigger and bigger.

    What you need to do in respect of the depression is write a Care Plan, with all things that you find enjoyable or fulfilling on it ie the nice things in life, because these are the things which will help you to have a good day.  If you are doing something and it isn't working then change it and do something else - this is how you can get the glimpses.

    With regards to the anxiety you are on small steps.  On the good days the anxiety will be less and then if you have a bad one it will be worse ie the lower you go the more anxiety you will experience.  So depending how low you are to start with will determine how much anxiety you experience.  On the good days your confidence will be higher, and on the bad days you will worry more.

    The cure is time.

  3. I believe and know that the best and the only real cure for depression, anxiety and stuff like that is Jesus Christ.

    It's true and don't ignore that.

    You need help, right?

    Well, here it is, I'm offering it to you, it's free and works 100%.

    Here is what you should do to get on the right track and then you'll see your mental life improve dramatically...

    - Believe in Jesus Christ (believe that He is God's Son and that He is your only Savior)

    - Repent (ask Jesus Christ to forgive you and save you right now, ask Him to help you turn your life around 180 degrees from sinful life toward new holly life)

    - Begin to live like Jesus Christ, be a good example to people, read the Bible so you would know what God wants you to know. Also, you can ask Jesus Christ to fill your heart with His Love, Peace and Joy.

    Thank you for your time and patience...

    With God's Love a Christian :)

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