
Cure for mononucleosis? help!?

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hey everyone. i have had mono for a few days now, and i have to start school this coming monday so i'm desperate to get better. any ideas or suggestion? no links please




  1. No cure. I   got really sick when i had mono over 2 weeks off school witch eventually gave me strep throat so i got a presccription for my throat but theres no way to  get mono better.  Its in your system for life now since its a virus sot he smptoms will eventually wear off in like 2-3 weeks but you will feeelll SUPER tired for  monthes    witch  sucks.  but good luck,  I would reccomend vitamin  C .. its what my mom tells me to take when ever i feel sick.. it helps the immune system.  

  2. I had mono years ago, but had a bad case.  Bed Rest and do nothing.

    The Dr. told me just moving around the house keeps the bug moving around. I did not listen and ended up on ordered bed rest for two months . I still have it in my system shows its ugly head every now and then.

    Best to talk to your Dr and see what he/she says about school.

  3. So long as the fever is gone (ie,no fever for 24hours), you can go back to school. Mononucleosis is highly contagious and it will be wise to try our best not to pass it to others. The virus causing this disease is very potent esp, among young adults. This illness usually comes with a bad throat; so take a lot of fluids and Vit-Cs. Pain-killers can be used for the pain in your lymph nodes and possible headaches. You could be in danger of a swollen spleen/liver which could give you jaundice. You need to rest for the next 3 weeks- so., no physical exercises during this period. The doctor will give you the necessary letters for excuse from gym or whatever physical. This disease although is pretty common, can present complications like prolonged fever and liver enlargement so do take care of yourself by taking lots of healthy food and rest. My 8year old girl had it. she was down for 10 days and took about a month to recover fully.  

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