
Cure for morning sickness, best ideas that have worked?

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suffering from morning sickness this time round a lot worse than i did with my first any tips ?




  1. Here is some information my OB/GYN gave me...


    foods with dry consistencies & neutral tastes

    avoid spicy foods & foods with strong smells

    Small frequents meals and plenty of liquids are helpful


    (these are safe to use during pregnancy)

    Vitamin B-6

    Doxylamine (unisom nighttime sleep aid)

    Benadryl allergy Medication


    Try the B-6 first, taking 50 mg twice daily. If this doesn't provide adequte relief, add Doxylamine (unisom) 1/2 dose daily. This is a sleep aid, and therefore may result in drowsiness/sedation. If the symptoms are unimproved, change the Doxylamine to Benadryl. If they are still not improved, change from the benadryl to the Dramamine. If this doesnt work consult your physican...

    Or you can ask for a perscription of phenergan. It is an anti-nausea medication that is not harmful at all to the unborn baby.

  2. You may be able to alleviate nausea by keeping some

    food in your stomach — by avoiding having a stomach that’s completely empty or completely full. Here are some other dietary suggestions for preventing or relieving nausea:

    Eat smaller meals or snacks frequently throughout the day.

    Have a small snack at bedtime and when you get up to go to the bathroom at night.

    Avoid foods and smells that trigger nausea.

    Drink fewer fluids with your meals.

    Generally morning sickness is not dangerous.But if you get dehydrated,it may affect your baby.

    Emetrol is the only nonprescription nausea medication that's considered safe during pregnancy. Reflux medications such as  Zantac or Pepcid sometimes work for women whose nausea and vomiting is triggered by gastrointestinal distress.

    You should always try nondrug remedies first, since it's best not to expose your developing baby to any drugs if you can help it.

    You can try proven natural cures here

    Hope it helps

  3. UGH!!!  I feel so bad for you!!! I had it too really bad second time around, what I did, and I hope it works for you.....I ate a whole bunch of saltine crackers and ate soup all day.  Then, they have those candies called prego pops at babys r us, that I ended getting, and they helped out with the sickness, or even sugar candy.  When I wasn't so sick, I ate 3 main meals, and had snacks in between, anytime I had an empty stomach, made my somach upset.  I hope this works!!!  Good Luck!

  4. There is no way to cure morning sickness. Luckily, it will be gone by the time you reach your second trimester (I feel your pain). I gave you a resource and they give you some remedies there. Good Luck and congrats on your baby!

  5. grapes working for me

  6. *Mint/Peppermint tea


    * eating before coming out of your bed..small amounts of food

    * Gravol

    * Preggo pops *those morning sickness lollipops*

    *rubbing vicks vaporub on my chest to inhale to prevent gagging

  7. I had bad morning sickness with one of my pregnancies and my OB recommended taking B6 vitamin, it helped immensely. Ask your physician about it. Goo dluck ,hope it gets better.

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