
Cure of hangovers.?

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  1. a yoohoo and 4 advil

  2. Don't drink

  3. Well I had this recipe that is a traditional hangover cure. It's called a Bloody Mary, here goes:


    1. 300g/110z ripe tomatoes

    2. 5ml/1tsp Tobasco or Worcestershire sauce

    3. 5tml/1tsp lemon juice

    4. crushed ice


    1. Roughly chop the tomatoes and push through a juicer (or just blend it)

    2. Add the Tabsco or Worcestershire cause and lemon juice. Pour over plenty of ice in a large glass. Add a few celery leaves for decoration then serve immediatley. Hope that works!

  4. Lots of sleep.

  5. Sleep, McDonalds and a Lucozade sport bosh! Gone!

    If that ever fails then it's hair of the dog!! or hospital lol.

  6. Grilled cheese w/ burnt toast, carbonbated soda, two Excedrin. The charcoal in the toast soaks up the toxins in the booze, the warm cheese coats the stomach and prevents anymore damage, the sugar in the soda replaces the lost sugar, the water re-hydrates, and the carbonation adds a little oxygen in the blood. The Excedrin is the best for booze headaches. Stick this recipe on the fridge.

  7. i drink 2 pints of water and take 2 painkillers before i go to sleep and 90% of the time i dont get a hangover!! doesnt work for everyone though

  8. One of the best cures for a hangover is to drink more alcohol.  Because basically the hangover is the body going through withdraws.  If an early morning beer isnt possible I would eat something heavy and drink lots of water and probably take some motrin. hope this helps

  9. Chewing gum
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