
Cures for face sunburn?

by  |  earlier

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i got a face sunburn like 2 days ago, and when it hurts, i just put on this aloe gel, and put a mini fan in front of my face for it to cool my skin for as long as i can with the aloe gel, but that's only temporary, i have a synchro (synchronized swimming) performance tomorrow at 6:30, but i need to be cured by 3:00pm, so it wont hurt so much in the chlorine water. any old cures or stuff to do with it... soon??!?!?




  1. OMG just stay out of the sun or at least put on sunblock when you go outside and in the mean time try Noxzema for the burning

  2. just let it shed

  3. try aloe

  4. Burt's Bees makes an after sun lotion that helps.  You might also look for some waterproof sunscreen for the face that you can put on before you get into the water tomorrow.

  5. In the future

    when you get burnt cool the skin at once.

    many people say that the burn does not set in until after the sun goes down.

    but in fact your skin continues to burn.

    doing basic burn treatments will help

    as it is a type of burn

    if you notice that you skin is becoming burnt

    cool it off at once

    if it is your whole body take a cool shower or bath.

    to prevent shock start with a slightly warm water shower continue to cool off the water until it is quit cold (not more than you can stand)

    stay in it until you skin is quit cool.

    this will prevent the burn from getting worse and in most cases it will reverse most of the redness if you get the skin cooled in time.

    if your skin heats up again (the red spots being hotter than the rest of your body) take another cold shower.

    after your skin if cooled. (wait for two hours to make sure) use a good cream. one that does not have alcohol in it. (most do)

    keep your skin hydrated.

    drink lots of water and other good fluids (things that do not contain caffine and alcohol)

    since it has been a couple of days

    you could try to cool down the skin (if it is still hot)

    and you can try the following.

    Cooling Vinegar Compress

    Symptoms of sunburn

    itching/ reddening and pain

    can be relieved with a compress of distilled vinegar.

    To make saturate a cloth in undiluted / distilled vinegar and apply to the reddened parts of the skin.

    cider vinegar can also be used to a cooling compress

    it disinfects and soothes the skin reduces pain and promotes the natural healing process

    cider vinegar helps prevent swelling of the burned area and the formation of blisters.

    Apply cucumber slices to burned skin

    they will help relieve inflammation and pain.

    Aloe-vera juice heals.

    the fleshy leaves of sthe aloevera plant contains a healing cooling juice that also helps keep the skin moisturized.

    the juice is most effective when it is absolutely fresh taken directly from the plant.

  6. There is no real cure for it. Your skin has been burnt. Just like cuts, you can just make burns go away. Your skin need time to regenerate. Try a topical anti-inflammatory. Yes, hemorrhoid creme will do the trick! Haha. Keep it well moisturized.  And try getting an aloe gel with benzocaine in it or any similar analgesic. That will numb your skin, so the chlorine won't hurt as bad. A good moisturizer is critical here. Chlorine will dry your skin out like a raisin. It need to stay hydrated.

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