
Cures for oily faces?

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I have a really oily face, mainly on my forehead, nose, and chin. I wash my face twice a day (i use a wave) and at night I moisturize. What can i buy to help it? Keep in mind i shop at like stores like Wal-Mart and Walgreens so name something i can purchase!




  1. i have an oily face too and ive actually noticed it go away a little when i drink coffee. My acne gets better too. I know coffee is a diraretic so thats prolly why it helps. I also use clearasil morning and night and sometimes my skin gets too dry so try that.

  2. Try a product with Salicylic Acid in it.  It is supposed to stop oil production.  Clean and Clear makes a moisturizer with this in it called Dual Action Moisturizer and also there are a variety of facial cleansers with this in it.  They help a little, but what I find is helpful is the oil soaking papers.  You dab your face with the papers when your face feels oily and it soaks it all up.  Clean and Clear makes those too, and there are other brands that do as well.

  3. I know some home remedies for oily skin. I think you might know this one, but washing your face with hot water about 5 times and washing it with cold right afterwards takes care of some of the oil on your face.

    Fruits help the complexion of your skin but also the oil. Orange peel rubbed on your face gets rid of your oil residue and makes your skin smoother.

    Face masks which can be found at Wal Mart of Walgreens, are also helpful in removing oil. But be careful, some might damage your skin depending on how your skin is overall.

    So far, i found that no product can make the skin better than natural fruit. Natural fruit or veggies is best for skin, from cucumber to bananas. But if you're looking for something to buy at a store, you should ask the person in that department. They'd be able to give you expert advie on what is best. They would probably recommend Neutrogena face wash.


  4. get an astringent
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