
Curfew question!!!?

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i just turned 18 a few days ago and im getting ready to be a senior in high school (i started school late). most of my friends have graduated and are 18-19 and none of them have curfews! i understand iam under my parents roof and all but my current curfew is 11 pm and it sucks because my friends go out at night and i cant go and it's a little embarissing! any advice?




  1. Your 18 you can move out, or just ask for a little later curfew.

  2. 11 on school nights is fine. I would talk to your parents about extending it on Friday and Saturday nights though. Don't get too demanding though (like no curfew at all) because they CAN kick you out. But they should be reasonable about it, you're legally not a child any more.

  3. Maybe talk to your folks about how responsible you are (I'm assuming you are...) and ask for an extension. Don't go crazy, but maybe push for midnight. Be open and honest with them and you might have a better shot. Don't be dramatic (i.e. "you're ruining my life!" type of tirade).

    Otherwise - their house, their will be in college or on your own somehow in a year, and you can go as crazy as you want.

  4. Cmon..18 with a curfew? Make a stand girl! You are well over the age to have your own say so go ahead =)

  5. Talk to your parents about lessening your curfew on weekends and vacations. I eventually let my kids have a 1 am curfew when they were 17 on friday and saturday and vacations and when they were 18 and out of school I left it to them, but while you are in school it is sort of necessary to have you home. So just try to reason with them that you will be responsible, may even check in past a certain time and that you will not let your other responsibilities drop. Ask for a trial run.

  6. a curfew is not a bad idea when you are still in school. when your out of highschool things might change for you
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