
Curing severe sunburn

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I have really bad sunburn on both of my shoulders and 2 oval type burns on my chest.

The sunburn on my shoulders started out with just white blisters that popped and pealed, but today my whole shoulder is filled with a giant yellow blister that keeps draining. The sunburn is bleeding a little bit on both shoulders.

I can't even sleep at night because of the pain. I've taken some pain relievers, but it still hurts really bad.

What can I do to cure the burn, and help alleviate the pain (preferably stop the pain immediately seeing as I can barely function)




  1. To get rid of the pain so you can sleep - get some Noxema cold cream - it works better than anything else except prescription strength meds.

    As you are spreading the Noxema (or the Wal-Mart brand or store brand normally sold near Noxema) you will feel it cooling off your sunburn - if it's that serious and it doesn't get better w/in 2 days of the noxema - go see a doctor.

    I put it on heavy at night and it allows me to sleep...

  2. You don't "cure" sunburn, you "treat" it.

    The pain can be alleviated by applying plain iced tea to the area.  You need to keep the open lesions moist and soft as well as sterile.  There are various antiseptic ointment that you can buy over the counter that will do the job--Neosporin is one of them.

  3. Google "WebMD" and search for severe sunburn.  It sounds like you have a second degree burn - I've been burnt red, and blistered but bleeding?  That sounds serious.  There is such a thing as sun poisoning and you may need to see a doctor.

  4. You have sustained a 2nd degree burn. With the power of the sun now a days that is actually possible. Your doctor will have topical treatments for this which will ease your pain.  If I were you I wouldn't wait for an appointment, I would go to the ER. The longer the wait the larger the scar. It is even possible that if the blister pops and there is no skin underneath it that is "ready" you will need a skin grapht. You should really go get this looked at NOW.

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