
Curious about Mexico!!!!???

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major types of economy in mexico???




  1. Much of Mexico's economy is in manufacturing, mining, and agriculture. The oil monopoly, PEMEX, is one of many government monopolies that were socialized in the 1920s and 30s. It is a mixed system, with much socialist influence.

    The Maquiladora system near the border provides a lot of manufacturing jobs, but per capita GDP varies from the poorer, rural South, to the richer central, and Northern manufacturing and ranching operations.

    While there are a lot of service jobs, many workers still work in extractive enterprises, adding little or no value to the stuff they pull out of the ground.

  2. drug running, coyote's taking people across the border, and farming... Not much is industrialized over there... Lots of tourist attractions though. Those get a lot of money for Mexico

  3. Factory, farming and ranching, including dairies. Then all the rest like anywhere else in the world merchants, teachers, that kind of stuff.

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