
Curious about a Pearl Harbor Artifact?

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My uncle was a warrant officer during the WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War.

Recently, I was giving the original slides to the pearl harbor bombing. I want to know if their is anyway to see if they are a valuable part of American you know I should go? Also if anyone knows a good appraiser, who knows more about this area!! Thanks




  1. I would contact the actual Pearl Harbor Monument attendants, they would lead you in the right directions.

  2. The second, third and fourth replies to your query are all good.  I'd go with the fourth one first and then the third.  And responsible appraisers should be listed in your Yellow Pages.  Just don't sell them to the first one that makes you an offer - they may well be worth a lot more than he/she is willing to give you.

  3. Check in with the Smithsonian Museum, in Washington, D.C. They will have the knowledge to tell you if you have anything unique.

  4. First I would call the nearest university and speak with a historian.  If the historian says you have something that is historically important, then I would contact the National WWII Museum in New Orleans and ask them to recommend a good appraiser / historian to review your materials.  

    The D-Day/National WWII Musuem has a curatorial staff of historians.  They can provide you with a great deal of information including how to store and conserve your slides.  D-day is also affiliated with the Smithsonian.  

    If you live in a place with a very reputable photo lab (professional -- not walgreens), you may want to have print copies of the subject matter made.  This way you can have people look at the prints without handling the slides.

    Your provence will be important.  If you have anything that describes the contents of the slides as well as who took the photos and with what kind of equipment is important.  Some information documenting your Uncle's service record would be good too.

    Lastly, the biggest question as to the historical value of your slides is based upon WHEN were the photos taken; WHAT is the content of the photos, and CONDITION of the slides.  

    If the photos were taken during the bombing and of reaction or damage... then you definitely have something.   If it's documentation right after the bombing, then you may have something, depending on quality of the photography and the documentation of the photos.   This is important.  

    Compelling journalistic photography would be good too, but it should be noted who is featured, when the photo was taken and any other contextual information.  

    Lastly, if you have the negatives, then awesome.  If not...that may affect value.

    Good Luck.

  5. You should go to see a Historian at your local university.

  6. You can contact to USNA History department in Annapolis[1] or the US Naval Historical Center[2]. Good luck.

  7. the memorial of pear harbor in Hawaii i went there and it is sooo cool

  8. I'd say the best way to honor your uncle would be to donate the slides to the Pearl Harbour memorial or the Smithsonian.

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