
Curious about paranormal?

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Please share everything you know about spirits or things like that.How do you see them?Why do you see them?And what are they?Who are they?And do you heal?See the future?I'm just really curious about such a mysterious world.




  1. You just asked a lot in a very small space. :)

    I just recently went through that "phase" of wanting to know more (phase is used for lack of a better word, even though it wasn't a phase) and I have looked that stuff up and I found out a LOT. I will answer the questions you gave as best I can.

    How do you see them?

    You don't really have a choice in the matter. I mean, you can meditate and "open" yourself to spirits, but you won't see them if they don't want to be seen.

    Why do you see them?

    You see them if you are particularly gifted, are open to them or (and most commonly) if they have something to say or want to contact you for some reason. You see them because they want to be seen.

    And what are they?

    Ghosts/Spirits = Deceased people who have stuck around, for whatever reason.

    Angels = Messangers of God (if you believe) and have never lived.

    Demons = Creations of the Devil (if you believe) and have never lived.

    Who are they?

    I'm assuming you mean ghosts? They are people or sometimes animals who have stuck around for whatever reason. Anyone can become a temporary ghost (nobody is a ghost forever).

    And do you heal?

    Myself...yes, if I'm in the mood to. Others? Never tried it to tell you the truth.

    See the future?

    Psychic. I'm just going to give you general stuff about it because I don't get what you mean specifically.

    -EVERYONE is psychic. Some are just more intune than others.

    -You can become intune.

    -There are many types of psychics (clairvoyant, telepathic, mediums etc)

    -There are certain rules to being psychic (eg. never tell anyone they will die)

    I think I'm taking up too much room. But if you wanna talk more about this (or really anything for that matter) just e-mail me!

  2. oo me too!  I have just been googling different questions I have.

  3. No one can tell all they know about these things in a short post here. I know ghosts exist because I saw one and he talked to me and then vanished. I will not go into the whole story as I have told it hundreds of times here.

    I have experienced other paranormal events and have a very strong intuition. I do not consider myself psychic and I have no control over my intuition and it is not a constant thing with me.

    Do a web search on these things and many, many websites will show up. One of my favorite sites is they have excellent free articles and some interesting free ghost photos also but I think the ghost photos are kind of hoaky but that is just me.

    Another site I like is they have interesting investigations posted in their investigations page. My favorite if you can find it is Boyd's Sanitarium investigation.

    Another of my favorite sites is

    an okay site is here

    I hope this helps a little.


  4. i lived with a female ghost in sth aust for just over 6 months. older lader floated on floor white gown and all that. layed on bed. opened and closed doors. only ever at night. boy i have a story about it, but i would type forever.

    for the record the people i asked to come in a gentleman came in and described her to perfection

  5. Ok the best thing I can tell you is surf the net . I will give you some ideas and tip and links to read up on on what I know.

    I have read quite a lot not just about the paranormal and the supernatural but about other cultures and what they believe. Having said that After Death Communication is very interesting and quite thousands of people all over the world have had experiences about communiacting with deceased loved ones.

    Ok now there is a great website about spirits who don't know they are dead and how to help them get to the light.

    Unexplained things?

    Here are some websites on real life ghost experiences! Investigators etc

    Tarot Cards

    If I think of somemore I will add them best of luck reading up on this stuff is interesting and you can learn a lot about people and their beliefs.

    ESP - extra sensory perception - ESP is most commonly called the "sixth sense." It is sensory information that an individual receives which comes beyond the ordinary five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future; as it seems to originate in a second, or alternate reality.


    The term "ESP" was used in 1870 by Sir Richard Burton. A French researcher, Dr. Paul Joire, in 1892 used the term ESP to describe the ability of person who had been hypnotized or were in a trance state to externally sense things without using their ordinary senses.

    However, the phenomena of ESP activity has been indicated much earlier, some say even in Biblical times. Although there is no clear evidence as to the certainty of the phenomena it has attracted the attention and enthusiasm of many throughout the centuries.

    In the 1920's a Munich ophthalmologist, Dr. Rudolph Tischner, used ESP in describing the "externalization of sensibility." Then in the 1930s the American parapsychologist J. B. Rhine popularized the term to include psychic phenomena similar to sensory functions. Rhine was among the first parapsychologists to test ESP phenomena in the laboratory.

    The first systematic study of ESP was conducted in 1882, when the Society for Psychical Research was founded n London. The journals of this society Proceedings and Journal were published as well as other publications in the United States and the Netherlands. Soon other countries were reporting similar findings.

    However, these first studies of ESP were rarely experimental. The studies consisted of mostly spontaneous incidents that were located. Many of the individuals studied were self-claimed "sensitives" or psychics. Rarely were they examined under anything resembling laboratory conditions. The researchers conducting the examinations resembled prosecuting lawyers. The subjects were bombarded with questions, those standing up the best were judged creditable.

    mediums - Mediumship is a form of relationship with spirits that is practiced in religions such as Spiritualism, Spiritism, Espiritismo, Candomblé, Louisiana Voodoo, and Umbanda.[1] While the Western movements of Spiritualism and Spiritism account for most Western exposure, most traditional African and African diasporic traditions include mediumship as a central focus of religious practice.

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