
Curious about the birth control Im using??

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I have been taking birth control now for 3 months. And I understood you were not able to have s*x for a month after you first start taking the birth control. I started taking them June 12th after I had a abortion (which was the same day I took these birth control) and it said after having a abortion you wont get ur period for 5-6 weeks. Well about 4 weeks ago I had some light bleeding like my period and I wore a pad and it smelled like period blood and then it went away after 2 days. And then 2 weeks ago same thing happened and then it went away. I asked my doc and he said I may be irregular now and also the birth control can make you irregular. Has anyone had this problem?

Also the birth control im taking is Yasmin 28 days.

Thanks ahead for your answer.

P.s. I do not need to be lectured about me having a abortion. Either you would like to answer this question or not. Thanks!




  1. There is nothing wrong with having an abortion - but if you have some time, you should make sure to talk it through with someone - it can help clear up any emotion questions you have.  

    Onto the answer... abortions s***w up your periods.  You are left with hormones in your system that delay your next period.  As well, the healing process will often delay a period.  Without birth control, 5 or 6 weeks is common.  With birth control, all bets are off.  Could be 4 weeks, 6 or 8.

    All you can really do is keep taking the pill.  Your period will regulate, and even with a screwed up period, you are protected from pregnancy.  

    I'm around if you want to talk, click my name and then use the link to my messenger.

  2. Your body's been through a lot, hormonally.

    When you are pregnant, your body goes through a lot of changes.  Some women don't get their period for years after having a baby, just to give an idea of how much things change.

    When you terminate the abortion, it takes a while to adjust.

    When you start on hormonal birth control, it takes a while for your body to adjust, and missed periods or spotting can reflect that.

    Take care of yourself.

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