
Curious dream...?

by  |  earlier

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i had a really wierd dream the other day...

it started i was walkin alone in this theatre thats attached to a mall.. im like acting suspicious tryin to not be seen by the guy at the desk.. then all of a sudden im searching for an exit that goes outside not into the mall.. i find one and start going down a windowed hallway the when i get to the end about to leave a cop car flys up and i hit the floor tryin to hide then the cop lets two people out and i book it to the front.. i go out into the mall and im walkin around really fast lookin around corners and watching my back..... i feel like i know the mall like ive been there a million times but ive never seen it for real... anybody have any ideas what it could mean???

help would be much appreciated





  1. well you're definitely running/ are scared of something, like you're trying to escape--maybe that's what your dreams are telling you about a real life situation

  2. your dream shows feelings of guilt.  You did something you know was wrong, but was never reprimanded on.  It could have been as innocent as hurting a friends feelings. Always remember we can't go back and change the past, just try to live the best life we can.  Next time, try dreaming of snakes. . . that means money is coming your way !

  3. i think it means that you are hiding something. the theatre, running from police in public, it sounds like you are putting on a mask for people and you are afraid of the truth being revealed.

  4. You want a change in your life ; but you haven't found yet the real exit

  5. Same for you, curious dreamer

    go to dream interpretation,... write your dream

    inside interpretation box,.....hope this helps.

    also google dream dictionary to look up definition

    of certain key words in your dream,....

    Best wishes.
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