
Curious if anyone has ideas on what it might mean?

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Curious if anyone has ideas on what it might mean?




  1. what does "what" mean?  what are you asking?

  2. What is it????

  3. Like the last guy said, whatever "it" is you can find "it" on eBay

  4. what means what?

  5. What means?What are you asking?

  6. I think if means you aren't making any sense! lol

  7. It's nikes dude, just do it! C'mon!

  8. it is a pronoun which refers to the person place or thing you mentioned previously.

    IT refers to information technology

    It is an abbreviation for Italy

    It MIGHT mean anything.  In the book "Alice in Wonderland" Humpty Dumpty says "words mean what I want them to mean"

    What do YOU mean by it?

  9. "IT" is a non-gender specific pronoun, also used to describe asexual objects.

  10. What "it" means? But what do you mean by "it"?

  11. You can find "it" on eBay.

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