
Curiousity about Drugs?

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I am curious about trying drugs.. I've thought about doing a lot.. or just trying them... marijuana and meth mostly.

What would you suggest.. what are the symptoms.. what are the consequences.. how would I go about making a purchase, and from who?

Not looking to be critiqued or criticized.. I know I could get hooked, I know the downside.. Curiosity killed that cat,.. I know... just.. help me with instilling me with your knowlenge




  1. If the drugs don't get to you first, the dealers and people involved in it will. I have seen so many good people go to waste because of drugs.

    It would be in your best interest not to do meth or anything strong if you could.

  2. Dont be stupid if you want to go ahead but if you want to go to jail or if you dont get caught die early i mean you could be the man that stops global warming or saves humanity but if you do the stupid drugs thee lord would have wasted his time creating you

  3. Drugs are basically any chemical that causes a change in the body other than water and anything the body uses as food.

    What drugs do is cover weaknesses.  They don't actually fix the weakness.  Pain medication, for example, doesn't repair a broken rib, it just makes you comfortable while the body heals itself.  Caffeinne covers the fact that you're not readily alert in the morning.  Alcohol covers the fact that you're self-conscious in social situations. Allergy medicine doesn't cure your allergy, they either mask the symptoms or deal with whatever substance your body is allergic to; you're still allergic and have the same weakness, you're just more comfortable.

    So the fact is that you're not going to learn anything by experimenting with drugs.  If you don't have a weakness that they'll cover for you, you're still not going to understand the weakness in others that makes them more comfortable using them.  If you do have a weakness that drugs will help you with, all it will do is make you satisfied that you don't need to fix your weakness, because the drugs make everything seem okay.

    I can tell you this, though.  If you really had a weakness that was so difficult to overcome and so painful that you needed drugs, you would be using them already, you wouldn't be asking about it here. That's my view.

    Good luck with your decision.

    By the way... I'm not being judgmental on drug users.  I think it's their right to choose what to put in their bodies, even if they want to go beyond the drugs I personally use (alcohol, caffeinne, and nicotene).  I'm just saying that I recognize that I use those because of a weakness, and they use their choice of drugs because of a weakness.  Not a lot of difference morally.

  4. don't worry, i'm not here to bash you.  i would go for some nice shisha....that stuff always hits the spot.  it's cool, tasty, and surprisingly not too addicting (personally).

  5. I can help you with this one. Dont do it. You'll be wasting your time experimenting with drugs. There are many creative and interesting things you can do with your life and you can gain the respect and admiration of many more people by not doing drugs or falling into that subculture. Believe me, I kno. Look at my handle, aint that proof enuf?

  6. Sounds like you have too much time on your hands. Most drugs do not make you better at things, it just makes you THINK you are better. Find some hobbies that really interest you. There are no safe drugs. Well, consequences...If you underage, and you get arrested, then your parents would need to pay a fair chunk of change to get you bailed and a lawyer, if they don't have it, they will most likely mortgage up the house, as well, lose time from jobs to go to the lawyers and such. Also, you will most likely have to attend some kind of drug conseling, and if your insurance doesn't cover it. So the outcome that most people don't think about would be losing jobs due to taking too much time off, losing a house because you can't afford the mortgages, losing a car and license.

    As you can see, hobbies are usually far cheaper in the long run.

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