
Curlins legacy tainted after steriod revelation????

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it has just been reported by espn news that Curlin was in fact on steriods for his entire 2007 Horse of the Year campaign. they stopped administering them in January so he could test clean for the Dubai World Cup.


all the Big Brown haters and detractors that always said he only won because of the roids, his victories are tainted and that a real horse such as Curlin doesnt need steriods to win must feel really dumb right now. and at least Dutrow had the honor to come out and say exactly what Big Brown was being given. Curlins connections kept it hidden. maybe this so called unbeatable horse that has three loses gets knocked down a few notches now.

i personally dont think that these steriods do much for a horses performance, but the curlin fans were adamant that it does. are they changing their tune now ?

what do you think?




  1. The sooner they ban all drugs in the USA and start the clean up the better.

    Horses don't need them and it's ruining the breeding line.

    How can people hate a beautiful horse like Big Brown, he didn't ask to be put on drugs he just gave his all and one day he had no more to give.

  2. Well, there's two very big differences here.

    1. Curlin's connections would have no reason to come out and say anything last year.  The reason that Dutrow had to say anything was because of the present climate... meaning the Eight Belles situation.  Everyone was accusing Larry Jones of steroiding Eight Belles (which he didn't), so one of the press asked Dutrow about steroiding Big Brown... and Dutrow kinda had to answer.  Asmussen was never asked about the steroids and until the Eight Belles thing, there was no reason to come out and announce that any horse was on steroids.  I don't think he was trying to hide anything.

    2. Curlin's biggest wins have been this year.  Last year, while on steroids, the horse actually lost 3 times... a third while pretty far behind Street Sense and Hard Spun in the derby, a second while dueling with a filly in the Belmont, and a pretty bad performance in the Haskell where he finished behind Hard Spun again.  Curlin didn't turn into a superstar until late in his 3 year old year.  And his biggest win was the Dubai World Cup where he raced without steroids... and he came back with a great easy win in the Stephen Foster and a very respectable second in the Man O War where he beat a Breeders Cup Turf winner and was only a length behind another Breeders Turf winner.  So Curlin's success isn't just because of the steroids.  The funny thing is, I didn't even really like Curlin until he stopped taking the steroids!

    Steroids help the horses in many respects... notice how big and muscular Curlin is... steroids help a horse to have an appetite and keep weight on... that helps them be healthier and they race better.  I'm not sure that steroids have any really bad effects on horses, but I don't see why horses can't race on the standard hay, oats, and water.  Steroids are way too common as we can see from Big Brown and Curlin... and race day meds are wrong too.  We need to adopt a zero tolerance policy on all of these drugs.

  3. Personally owning racehorses myself, I am against steroid use! If a horse can't keep weight and condition by himself, he doesn't need to be on the racetrack. I did have one horse that used lasix, but as far as other drugs, No and H**l no! It could  mask other problems that the horse might have. I truly admire the owners of Curlin for taking him off the steroids. I am like the other poster, he is a BETTER racehorse without them. He didn't do a thing for me in his early 3 year old season, but he's a truly genuine horse now that can actually race after age 3. Hello, one of the horses I had was 9 totally sound, still racing and winning, maybe by making these drugs off limits we can bring this kind of horse back.

  4. Honestly, I don't understand all the bashing one way or the other since it's technically not the horses fault.  It seems no matter what sport it is we deal with this steroids issue.  I feel bad/sad for Curlin fans and Big Brown fans because of all this scrutiny.  I wish for the day to come that drug testing becomes mandatory before every event/race.  But, then again there will probably be something or someone to sabotage the truth of the test.  If only people could be honest. Cheers for those who allow others to cheer for their favorite team/athlete/horse without criticism.  It's sad that we are tainted by lie after lie.   Please note that this is only my feelings/ opinion on this question.  I respect all other without rating.  Cheers to all horses and the the men/women who are truly honest, jeers to the dishonesty in mankind....Animals will always remain innocent creatures. We all need to make an effort to be honest and by doing so it will make a definite difference in the world.

    Here's to trying a little harder for the better.  

    Wishing the best to both horses.

    Some horses need special drugs and treatment, while others don't. In any event, there should be a disclosure law put into effect to avoid this in the future.

  5. why do people always asociate steroids in racing to be performance enhancing? its not always the case! im not condoning steroid use, but lets get something straight, not all steroid use in racing is bad, ok! if you want to jump up and down about a drug, jump up and down about lassix! thats a bad drug! its a masking agent for bleeders, if a horse bleeds it needs a spell, not lassix, to cover up a problem!

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