
Currency Exchanging Help

by  |  earlier

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alright i know that 1 U.S. dollar equals 10 Mexican Pesos. So say that if i wanted to buy 10 tacos for 10 Pesos, would I Just have to give them 1 dollar? Please be serious, because me and my friends are planning on going on a trip to mexico.




  1. yes, if the resteraunt accepts U.S. money.. some don't, you may wan't to go to a money exchanger first.

  2. In general, you should not assume that your taco restaurant will offer the service of exchanging your money for you.  Probably in tourist areas they will, but not in general.  Remember that US dollars are not legal tender at all in Mexico, and merchants are not required to accept them.  Be especially careful in places like sit-down restaurants where you eat first and pay afterward to ensure that they will take your payment at the end of the meal in whatever currency or manner of payment you have.

    Even if they do accept US dollars, they probably accept them at an exchange rate significantly worse than the rate you could get at a bank.  My advice is to do your money changing at a bank or official exchange bureau or use ATMs or credit cards when possible because they tend to get good exchange rates.

    If you are going on a tourist-y "spring break" type vacation, you should have no problem.  If you are going more off the beaten path, better currency planning will save you some pain.

  3. go to to find the correct rate first,and answer to ur ques yes ucan buy 10 tacos for 10 pesos,realistically i doubt if they are that cheap.but do convert $ into pesos.

  4. if the place takes dollars then I don't see why not. Just be careful down there because a lot of places will jip ya out of your money

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