
Currency exchange at airport???

by  |  earlier

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Hi I live in the Us and im not Mexican but I have a 2000 pesos bill that i forgot i had.

Im flying to Florida next month and wanted to know how I trade money at the airport

im going to trade it at PDX my home airport

like how much do they take ?

what is 2000 pesos worth? (ive heard that its $194)

do I have to show ID or something?

how does the whole thing work and how long?

oh and do pesos ever expire?





  1. 2,000 pesos is worth $193.75 at the current exchange rate. You won't actually get that much because the exchange rate offered by the currency exchange won't be the official bank rate and there will probably be a commission. You just go to the window of the exchange and tell them you want to exchange 2000 pesos for euros.

    However, you'll get a better exchange rate if you go to a major bank in Portland rather than doing the exchange at the airport.

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