
Currency in GB?

by Guest59396  |  earlier

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Is it possible to use euro while going through the UK at all??? Can you use it in Oakwood as well???




  1. A lot of places accept Euros, but you get a poor exchange rate.

  2. you can convert the euro to the pound there  and they will give you change in pounds

  3. some of the larger stores in the main tourist areas may accept them

    but for the most part, we only use the Pound Sterling

  4. Nope, Pounds

  5. You will be able to use the Euro in some places but it is not popular over here  and most places will refuse to use it , What is wrong with the good old pound?

  6. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland altogether,

    I am not sure of Northern Ireland, but we have the £ only in the rest of the UK.

  7. not in uk,some large stores in london take them but not many

  8. INot everywhere, but heres a list i found of places and i'll put links in the sources section I think it would be easier to just bring Pounds but anyway:


    Body Shop

    Books etc





    Dorothy Perkins


    John Lewis

    Marks & Spencer

    New Look


    PC World



    The Link

    Tie Rack



    WH Smith

    Restaurants, Hotels, Pubs and Tourist Attractions where you can spend euros include:


    Chester Zoo

    Drayton Manor Park

    Hampton Court

    Hilton Hotels

    J D Wetherspoons

    Kensington Palace

    Lanmark Hotel

    Laurel Pub Company (2500 pubs)

    Leeds Castle

    London Planetarium

    Madame Tussauds

    Sheraton Hotels

    Tate Britain

    Tate Modern

    Tower of London

  9. Pounds/Pence but you can (in some places) use Euros, but you will need to convert it to pounds/pence.

  10. British Pounds is what thou need

  11. The currency is the Pound.  You can use it, but they will convert (or give your change) in Pounds.

  12. Nope no way no how its the pound £, just convert it into pounds when you get here or vise versa x*x

  13. yes u can use european everywhere in the local european countries

  14. Yes you can use Euros here.

  15. BooBoo is getting lots of thumbs down for saying that you can use euro in the UK.

    She's right - you can and by law the shops should take it but they don't.

    The euro is used in all border areas of Northern Ireland - which is in the UK.

    The currency of the UK is, however, the pound sterling.

  16. Its GBP here.

  17. Well I never knew that Euros could be used in the UK and in so many places.  I've never even seen one, and don't really want to either.

  18. No. I am from the UK and the only currency used here is Sterling(Pounds)

  19. You CAN in some places.

    And I'm also English.  Lucy made some exellent suggestions.  I hope she gets the points.


    Not that I like the Euro.  However, we may get lumbered wiyh it.

  20. U cant use euros

    convert2 pounds :P

    Do not use euros :P

  21. yes you can

  22. I accept Euros. My exchange rate is 500€ = £2.30

    It's a very fair rate, really.

    If you're interested, give me a bell. Not literally a bell- as in a call.

    Or a bell. I like bells.

  23. You can use them in Ireland, which is still technically part of the UK. Some places will take euros but don't hedge your bets on it, be safe and take some pounds with you just incase they don't accept euros.
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