
Current Environmental Issues?

by Guest60451  |  earlier

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What are some examples of current environmental issues created by man's attempt to control nature. Please don't say global warming, greenhouse effect or acid precipitation. Originality and accuracy get best answer. thanks!




  1. our desire to control people is shown by using nature as a punishment/reward.  If loggers were allowed to de-forest in a sane matter, we would not have had millions of acres burned here in California.  We are not capeable of controlling nature, only sounding that way to guilt people into doing what the government wants us to do.  and think the way it wants us to think.  the real tragedy is we buy into it.  Why do we trust our food supply?  the government manipulates prices, hormones, availability.  If they want to drive someone out of business, say salmanella and they'll be broke after the mainstream media gets ahold of the tiger

  2. You could explore the deleterious effects of pesticides or the possible link between vaccines and autism?

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